chapter fifty one

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kennedyrodriguez has added to their story

kennedyrodriguez has added to their story

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rudeth has added to their story

as you can see Rudy and i are in Alaska, so i guess you can say it's a mini vacation

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as you can see Rudy and i are in Alaska, so i guess you can say it's a mini vacation. we we're staying at a cabin type of home. the goal for the trip was to mainly go visit his parents because they moved back to Alaska awhile ago, so he hasn't seem them since.

we get ready and head to his parents house, we're welcomed inside after hugging them. his siblings are there as well so we say hi to them before they leave to go to the store, i've met his siblings twice and we've all gotten along great.
"are you guys hungry? do you want anything?" his mother asks me.
we both shake our heads no kindly denying the offer. "okay well you both know where it's at if you change your mind. welcome to Alaska K" she says with a smile before sitting on the couch.
i sit on the couch as well, Rudy and his dad were in the kitchen making a mess.
"thank you" i responding with a smile.
"how are you liking it so far?" she asks me sipping on her wine.
"i love it, it's super nice here and the views are insane" i say taking my jacket off.
"i'm so glad to hear that, you look pretty as always" she tells me causing me to smile.
"awh thank you, you do as well. i love what you did with your hair" i respond.
we talk for a little bit more about life and stuff before we hear glass shatter in the kitchen causing us to look at them. Rudy and his dad point to each other "he did it" they say in union making us laugh.
"what even was that?" his mother asks.
"a glass cup, it fell off the counter" his dad responds.
"it fell? like it just said 'okay cya' and threw itself off the counter?" she asks with a laugh.
"yeah, yeah sounds about right" Rudy tells her trying to keep a straight face.
she shakes her head with a laugh, "just make sure it gets cleaned up" she reply's before turning back to me.
"yes ma'am" they respond in union before cleaning it up.

an hour later

everyone was gathered in the living room. his siblings were sitting on the couch along with his parents. Rudy and i were playing Just Dance having a competition of who can win.
"GO KENNEDY, YOU GOT THIS" one of his siblings yell.
"NO GO RUDY, HE'S GONNA WIN" the other one yells.
we all laugh, once the song is over the results come up and it shows that i won.
"LETS GOOOO" the sibling that cheered for me yelled.
i do a little happy dance as i look at Rudy who was already looking at me trying not to smile.
"you know, i let you win" Rudy says with a smirk.
"oh really? is that what happened?" i reply trying not to laugh.
"yep that's how it went down" he responds sitting down on the couch.
"okayy, whatever helps you sleep at night" i say before he pulls me onto his lap to sit, he wraps his arms around me.
we watch everybody play a couple of rounds for the next couple of hours.

summary of what happened: we talked, played Just Dance, ate dinner, helped clean up, shot nerf guns at each other, and now it's time to leave.

we just finished picking up the nerf bullets to put it up, after putting them back Rudy and i go back downstairs and hug his family. everyone says their goodbyes before we leave and head back to the cabin.


tagged: kennedyrodriguez madisonbaileybabe and 995,782 others liked

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tagged: kennedyrodriguez
madisonbaileybabe and 995,782 others liked.
rudeth: goodnight from us :)
kennedyrodriguez: night night
-> rudeth: ^^
madisonbaileybabe: parents
jonathandavissofficial: why are you carrying her like-
-> rudeth: because she was complaining her feet hurt
-> itschasestokes: PUSSY WHIPPED LMAO
-> rudeth: LMFAO SHHHH
user: i want this
user: why are you guys in Alaska?
-> rudeth: see my family mainly
-> user: AWHHH OKAY
user: i know he liked the view LMAOO
*rudeth liked this comment*

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