chapter sixty two

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Kat and i are walking around the mall, we're currently on an escalator going up.

"do you think people are like, 100 percent straight and like 100 percent gay?" i ask Kat.

"no cause obviously theres, like bi people, asexual, pan, sexuality is like a spectrum you know?" she responds.

"yeah, totally" i say as we walk off the escalator and begin walking.

"why?" she asks.

"i don't know" i say lying. "do you think straight guys ever watch, like gay porn?" i ask.

"not if they're 100 percent straight" Kat responds.

"you just said its a spectrum" i reply.

"yeah, on either side of the spectrum is gay and straight" Kat states.

i stop walking and sigh, "i fucking hate this"

"is this about Nate?" Kat asks looking at me while walking backwards.

"no, he's like super straight " i respond as i walk again.

"is it about your dad?" she asks again.

"no!" i state.

"that would explain why they're fighting-" she begins.

"it's not about any guy that i know" i say cutting her off.

"look, all i know is that most guys are like, weird, gross, and fucking pathetic" she says.

"okay look, if i tell you something, you swear on your fucking life you won't say a word?" i ask as we stop looking at each other.

"yeah" she responds, i whisper something in her ear.

"CUT" the director yells.

-end of filming-

Barbie and I smile as the director is clapping, clearly happy with what he just saw.

we walk towards the trailers again and start chatting.

"soo how's life being engaged?" Barbie asks me with a smile.

"i don't think it's fully hit me yet but overall it's great, how've you been doing?" i say.

"i'm good, excited for the dance episode" she says making me laugh.

"me too, the outfits are so good" i respond and she agrees.


tagged: kennedyrodriguez rudeth and 1

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tagged: kennedyrodriguez
rudeth and 1.1M others liked.
barbieferreira: opulence
-comments limited-
kennedyrodriguez: 💋💋
kennedyrodriguez: !!!!!
jonathandavissofficial: OH WOW
maudeapatow: MY LADIESSSSS!!
user: OH EM GEEE


tagged: barbieferreiramaudeapatow and 1

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tagged: barbieferreira
maudeapatow and 1.3M others liked.
kennedyrodriguez: 👯‍♀️
rudeth: i am so lucky omg
-> kennedyrodriguez: gimme kiss rn
maudeapatow: ANGELS
-> kennedyrodriguez: MWAH MWAH
barbieferreira: !!! so fun to shoot with you
-> kennedyrodriguez: !!! we need to do it again!
-> barbieferreira: absolutely
drewstarkey: HA short ass had to use a stool
-> kennedyrodriguez: i will beat your ass with every 5'6 ounce in me
-> drewstarkey: yeah OOOKAYYY
madelyncline: PRETTY PRETTY
-> kennedyrodriguez: WIFE
-> kennedyrodriguez: <33

4k reads is so- wow- thank you sm omg

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