chapter thirty two

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jimmyfallon and 997,691 others liked.
kennedyrodriguez: an honor to have been able to go onto this show, stay tuned to watch jimmy fallon and i tonight on NBC at 11:35pm EST!!
-comments limited-
-> kennedyrodriguez: I LOVE YOU
-> kennedyrodriguez: OH STAWPP
jimmyfallon: a pleasure having you !!!! definitely need to chat again some time!!!
-> kennedyrodriguez: anytime, this is all so surreal
jonathandavissofficial: SHES FAMOUSSSSS
user: can't wait to force my parents to watch this with me tonight!!!!! YAY

*the episode airs*

"guys you all know and love my next guest from hit Netflix show outer banks, Kennedy Rodriguez" Jimmy tells the audience causing them to clap and cheer as i walk in waving before i sit on the chair beside his desk.
"hello Kennedy, how are you doing? Welcome to the show!!" Jimmy asks me.
"thank you for having me! i'm doing great, this is all so surreal to me. how are you doing Jimmy?" i ask back.
"i'm doing great as well thanks for asking, it's a pleasure to have you here with us" he tells me as the audience claps making me smile.
"so you're from Florida correct?" he asks me.
"yes i am, Tampa Florida born and raised" i respond with a nod.
"and you're currently living in Charleston?" he continues making me nod in agreement.
"why'd you pick Charleston to live? and how is it different from living in Tampa?" he asks me.
"well i live in Charleston for filming purposes because the travel is just easier, and the difference is beyond me. the main thing i'm still not used to is how cold it gets- i'm so used to heat and like 90° degree weather all year so now that i'm away from the heat, i have to leave a blanket in my car at all times just in case" i tell him which makes him laugh.
"does the rest of the cast live there as well? or no?" he asks me.
"yeah they do uhm like the first day of filming, Jonas our director gave us all keys to apartments. Madelyn, Madison, and i shared one while all the guys shared one. it got really hectic and eventually i got my own place, Rudy and Chase share a place, the girls got their own places, ya know everyone just went their separate living ways" i respond.
he nods, "is there a reason you all went your separate ways? was there a fight? issues? anything?" he asks.
i shake my head, "no, and if there was it was over the smallest thing possible. we all decided to separate the living situation for film purposes, we were afraid that if we spent too much time together like everyday 24/7 then we would eventually get sick of one another and not do well with filming" i tell him.
he nods in agreement understanding, "makes sense, makes sense. so lets talk about outer banks, which may i add has been number one on Netflix for months!" he states as the audience claps and cheers.
"you play one of the main characters, Samantha Cruz. can you tell us how you got the part?" he asks.
"well i've been friends with Madison Bailey who plays Kiara, for quite some time i think its been around three years now. she recommended me to the directors and apparently they liked me already, so i got called in for an audition to play her. i had no clue what Samantha's backstory was nor who she was supposed to be, when i asked they gave me a brief summary stating that i would be one of the main characters that has been best friends with John b and JJ since grade school, and she would be JJ's love interest so i was interested in it, crushed the auditions and got the role!" i explain with a smile.
"interested in playing JJ's love interest or playing Samantha?" jimmy jokes making me laugh.
"both honestly" i laugh.
"speaking of JJ, he is played by Rudy Pankow aka your boyfriend" he says making me smile with a nod at the thought of him. "how did you guys meet? and how did it become official?" he continues.
"we met on set, the first day Madison and i approached a group of people and he just happened to be there. we got along instantly, there was a bunch of flirting throughout filming and the cast was on our asses about it always trying to get us to get together. now how it became official, we were in my house in the kitchen specifically, i remember everyone from the night before had already left leaving us alone, we had the nerve-racking conversation about what we were and afterwards he asked me to be his girlfriend and yeah, it was much cuter than i'm making it sound" i laugh making Jimmy laugh.
the audience cheers and claps at the love story.
"that's adorable, after snooping through your social media feed i've noticed that the fans admire how close you and him are and how you are so comfortable around each other. has it always been this way or did it take time?" he asks me with a smile.
"personally i've always felt like i can truly be myself around him, he makes me feel so safe it's actually insane." i admit.
"you guys are so cute it makes me happy" he tells me. "now lets talk about the JJ and Samantha make-out scene in season one, how'd you feel going into that?" he asks me.
"i felt so insanely nervous when i found out, Madison was actually the one to inform me over text that the scene was even a thing. i remember laying in bed staring at the ceiling freaking out in my mind not wanting to ruin anything that was potentially happening between us" i tell him.
"so it was filmed before you started dating?" he asks causing me to nod. "wow, now look at you guys! it's crazy how things can work out so well." he continues.
"best thing that ever happened to me" i smile as he looks at me in awe.
"who do you look up to the most?" he asks.
"Lana Del Rey and Bo Burnham are definitely top two for me!!!" i state.
"GREAT choices, are they daily inspirations for you?" he asks me.
"absolutely. i'm always playing Lana's music everywhere i go, and when i watch tv on my own it's either a comedy show from Bo or one of his Netflix films. which may i add Inside is SO GOOD, all eyes on me is on repeat" i say.
he laughs, "now for the question everyone has been waiting for, will there be a season two of outer banks?" he asks me with a curious look.
i shrug, "i guess everyone will just have to wait and find out" i state.
"ahhhhh so we're playing the waiting game now" he jokes making me laugh.

he does an outro for his show after thanking me for joining him. we both stand up and start dancing around to the bands music as we laugh at the dance moves Jimmy was doing.

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