chapter thirty seven

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it was a filming day again and i had an early call time again, so i got up and got ready then headed to set. after arriving to set, i get into the outfit i was supposed to be in and head to the filming spot.

"ACTION" Jonas yells.

we were all in a court room due to John b having a case.
"John Booker Routledge, pursuant to the North Carolina statute section 14, you are charged with murder in the first degree with aggravated circumstances. if convicted, the maximum sentence would be the death penalty." the judge tells us before striking her gavel.
Sarah had tear filled eyes, everyone else was in a silent shock.
"your honor, he's 17!!!" JJ yells standing up.
"stop-" Kiara tells him.
"quiet" the judge demands.
"he's 17, are you kidding me??!" JJ continues. "John B were gonna figure it out!" he adds being pushed out by Pope.
as John b gets escorted out the courtroom, Sarah calls out his name in tears and tries to approach him only to get stopped by a guard.
"stop! don't touch her!" Kiara says grabbing Sarah away from the guard. "lets go Sarah, lets get out of here." she adds walking towards us.

we're all walking out the courthouse, a bunch of people are gossiping a bunch of bullshit around us.
"is this a joke? are we like in hell or.." Kiara says as we walk down the stairs.
"i should have never come home" Sarah states.
"they're gonna kill him guys, i know it." JJ says.
we overhear someone talking to Ward Cameron which catches our attention.
"so sorry for what you and your family have gone through, thank god the system works" a man tells him.
"can you please shut up? of course you think the system worked because it was made to protect you and people like you." i angrily tell him.
"he'll have his date in court. a jury will decide." the man responds to me.
"he shouldn't even be in court!" i yell, "you should" i add pointing at Ward. "because you're a MURDERER. you got a lot of nerve showing up to court" i continue with tear filled eyes.
"i know you're upset. i understand you're upset, okay?" Ward tells me walking closer.
"upset!!?" i ask.
"i know he's got you fooled, he's got you all fooled" Ward continues.
"no, i'm not just upset!" i yell as i launch myself towards Ward but before i could i get grabbed by Shoupe pulling me away.
theres a bunch of yelling and pushing going on.
"show some respect!" Ward tells me.
"get off her!" JJ tells Shoupe. "why don't you take the kooks down for a change?" JJ adds while grabbing my arm pulling me away from the officer.
"you wanna get arrested? get out!" Shoupe responds.
"this is bullshit." Kiara mumbles.
"come on. look, it's not worth it" Sarah tells me.
one of the officers was apologizing to the Camerons, "it's not a coincidence that your daughter's sitting with us!" i yell towards them as we walk away.

"anddd CUT!! UGH BEAUTIFUL TAKE EVERYONE, good job Kennedy" he says with a smile.

-end of filming-

Rudy rubs my back for comfort which makes me smile. Charles (the person who plays Ward) comes up to us.
"you alright? that anger seemed extremely real" Charles asks me.
"yeah i'm good, i'm just a good actress i guess" i respond with a laugh.
he laughs, "wow i need to take the classes you took" he tells me.
we talk about the scene just shot and he continued checking on Rudy and i before walking away to get ready for the next scene.

Rudy and i are in the fittings trailer getting ready for the next scene, afterwards we run to the château and stand on the porch because it was raining and we didn't want to get too wet before filming.

"ACTION" Jonas yells.

Kiara was sitting on a recliner, Pope was sitting in a chair, Sarah and JJ were standing, and i was sitting on the floor because i found it most comfy.
"i'm gonna testify under oath, i was there. i just need to get ahold of my sister." Sarah tells us.
"sister" JJ says to himself causing Pope and i to look at him.
"Kie, do you have your phone?" Sarah asks her. "Wheezie is the only other person who knows Rafe wasn't home that day." she adds as Kiara hands her the phone.
"Wheezie?" i ask.
"i don't know what else to do. i got us into this mess and i'm gonna do my best to get us out." Sarah continues as she walks off to the other side of the porch.
"Wheezie? yeah that will work" JJ starts. "well shes right about one thing. we gotta do something. our boy is a PO-dub right now, okay? he's held captive by the enemy right now, maybe even scheduled for execution. are we just gonna sit here!?" he continues slightly raising his voice.
"then what's the plan?!" i ask standing up also raising my voice. "we start by kidnapping Shoupe?!" i add.
"maybe, like that's not the worst idea actually." JJ tells me.
"oh it's not?!" i ask sarcastically.
"no!" he yells.
"that is actually the worst idea i've ever heard" Pope adds in.
"it's pretty bad" Sarah states from inside.
"you know what? please just stay out of this okay?" JJ tells Sarah. "Pope look, we've been doing everything your way and how has that been working out?" JJ adds.
"okay, okay, so what's your plan?" Pope says standing up. "you gonna storm a jail, guns a-blazing?" he adds.
"look Pope, all i'm trying to get you to understand is they got our boy. are we just gonna sit here and do nothing? no! we're gonna go get his ass. we're gonna do something about it" JJ yells towards the end.
"JJ, we're not storming a jail. it's not happening." Pope tells him.
"fine man, sit in your comfy chair. do nothing. i'm gonna see what i can do. make something happen even if i have to do it by myself" JJ says giving me a look.
"okay." Kiara says.
"you coming?" JJ asks me.
ever since we were little, him and i have always been each others ride or die. we did everything together, no matter how stupid it was.
obviously i gave in and slowly walked towards him. "that's my girl" he said with a smile as he grabbed my hand interlocking our fingers together before we walked out into the rain heading towards the motorcycle.
"huh? 'my girl' what the fuc- should we be worried?" Pope asks Kiara.
"yeah, for sure." she responds.
they chat about what they're going to, meanwhile JJ and i changed and were now on the way to the jailhouse. we park and JJ sticks a toothpick in his mouth along with headphones on his head. as we walk towards the entrance two officers walk out making JJ salute them and as they walk off he flips them off making me chuckle a little.
once inside we stand at the front area.
"we're here to see John B Routledge." JJ says quite loudly.
"no music and get rid of the toothpick." the officer tells him.
"i can't hear what you're saying man, all right?" JJ tells him. "these things, are on full blast. that's what i said, i'm here to see John B Routledge." he says still loud pointing to the headphones.
i take the headphones off of him also taking the toothpick out of his mouth, he looks at me confused.
"he's asking you to take it off" i tell him which he nods at.
"i mean i thought it was a free country and all but uh, i guess YOU don't like freedom very much, now do ya cupcake?" JJ tells the officer causing him to grab JJ and push him against the wall.
"uh.. not worth it" a lady officer tells him making him put JJ down.
"good to see ya Plumb" i tell her noticing she was looking at the toothpick. "it's just nice to have something in your mouth, ya know?" i add as i place JJ's toothpick in my mouth which makes her give me a disgusted look before she snatches it out my mouth. he on the other hand had a smirk growing on his face at my actions.
"take off your hat and empty y'alls pockets" she tells us, we nod and do as told.

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