chapter thirteen

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it has been a few weeks since Rudy and i started dating, everything was going well and we were both super happy in the relationship.

it was an early filming day, so i reach over and turned off my alarm that was blaring. i look at the time and groan seeing that it was 6am. i roll over to the edge and get out of bed wrapping a blanket around me due to it being cold from a cold front that went through last night. i hear footsteps in the bathroom so i go to the door and knock.
"you can come in" Rudy says.
i open the door and walk in going towards the boy. he had a towel wrapped around his waist due to him just getting out the shower. i wrap my arms around his wet body hugging him from behind as i lay my head on his back. he turns around and wraps his arms around me.
"are you cold?" he asks with a laugh noticing the blanket wrapped around me.
"yes very" i respond with nod. "aren't you?" i ask looking up at him.
he nods "yeah, but you're making me warm" he states still hugging me, making me smile.
he places a kiss on my lips before pulling away from the hug and heading to my bedroom to put clothes on.
i get ready, taking a quick shower, brushing my teeth, and doing the whole morning routine thing including changing.
once we're both ready we head out and go to a little cafe we spot on the way to set, we order hot chocolates and go to set.

kennedyrodriguez added to their story

when we arrive to set, we get out and head our separate ways

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when we arrive to set, we get out and head our separate ways. i go to makeup/hair while he goes to fittings. i look in the mirror to see Chase walking into makeup/hair.
"well hello there Rudy's girlfriend" Chase greets me as he sits in the makeup chair.
"hello to you too Madelyn's boyfriend" i respond.
"whatcha up to?" he asks me as the lady starts putting a fake wound on him.
"getting my hair put up" i say with a laugh.
"ahhh okay okay, blonde looks quite nice on you, Madelyn makes the best decisions" he tells me.
"yeah she does for the most part, as long as she's sober that is" i laugh making him laugh as he agrees.

we finish getting ready, Chase, Rudy and i were now in the van waiting to hear action, we all joke around and hang out while we wait.

kennedyrodriguez added to their story

kennedyrodriguez added to their story

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"and ACTION" we hear Jonas yell.

"i'm just saying i don't understand why you don't at least try with kiara, she clearly likes you" jj tells john b. "she's like 'oh john b'" jj moans mocking kie which makes me laugh.
"is that what she does?" john b asks.
"she's sketching about you diving, then she kissed you bro" jj adds.
"she kissed me on the cheek, it's not like we were making out or something" john b states while driving. "besides can't we just talk about you and sammy?" he adds.
"what?! what about us?" i ask him, sitting in the back seat of the van while jj is in the passenger seat.
"oh so you guys are an 'us' now?" he asks glancing at jj who was smirking.
"you know what i mean john b" i tell him.
"yeah but jj's face says differently" he tells me.
i look at jj, who is already looking at me making my stomach get butterflies.
"so the weather is nice today huh" jj says changing the subject as he looks away from me.
i shake my head.
"typical jj" john b states as we pull up to the spot.

"and CUT" Jonas yells.
-end of filming-

the three of us get out the van and head towards our trailers. Chase goes to his, i go to mine as Rudy follows me. once inside my trailer, i feel Rudy's arms wrap around my waist spinning me to look towards him. i look up at him and smile as our lips connect. he grips onto my ass making me jump a little not expecting it, i wrap my arms around his neck deepening the kiss as we hear a knock on my trailer door making us pull away. Rudy sits on the couch as i open the door.
"HEYYYY" Madelyn and Jonathan yell in union as they walk in.
"hi?" i say with a laugh confused.
"hope we didn't ruin y'alls little quickie or whatever was going on" Jonathan says making my eyes widen.
Madelyn nudges him to tell him to shut up. he nods and sits on the couch beside Rudy. the guys talk and Mads goes to me and picks me up.
"what are y-" i try to speak as she walks out the trailer.
"no whereeeeee" she says cutting me off.
"madelyn istg-" i tell her wiggling around as she approaches the end of the dock
"sorry not sorry" she says as she throws me into the water.
"MADELYN NO NO STO-" i get cut off as i meet the water. once i resurface i look at her flipping her off.
she laughs and dives in with me as we swim in the cold water.


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