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so it has been a month since i died. i kind of like it honestly.

you're probably wondering, what in gods name did i bloody do to have faked my death.

it is quite simple honestly.

i woke up to a fire in the house. hopper, joyce and will ran out of the house and i was still upstairs..... sleeping.

well, i love sleep and the thing that woke me up was the fire burning through the wood already.

i saved myself as per usual but right when the house collapsed so.... everyone thought i was dead.

and i liked it.

it was like having a break of my stupid life and i didn't need to care about papa coming for me or like stupid girls and boys at my school making fun of me.

i know papa is dead but that doesn't stop my anxiety from thinking he's not.

and as time went by and i debated if i should've came back, my funeral happened and then i just didn't want to.

because the universe chose for me.

now it's a month and i'm at the bus stop on my way leaving town.

chicago is where i'm heading. i know it well so it will be easier for me.

though i'm only 17 years old, i think i can handle myself. i've done it for 2 years before hopper adopted me, i can manage.

i'm just not quite sure if the people i have left behind could.

a/n: short prologue!! this prologue takes place a few years before my first chap since el is 23 in that and 17 here.

i'm excited for this book so stay tuned <3

but as of right now (when this prologue is published) i'm not done writing the book so perhaps updates might be a bit slower but i'm not sure yet. anyways, hope you guys enjoy ;)

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