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it was a dark night. mike sat against an old bus at the junkyard as he stares up at the night sky.

his arms were crossed lazily as they set on his lap and as his legs stretched out in front of him.

"fancy seeing you here."

the familiar voice knocks him out of trance and allows him to look up.

"hey there." he smiles as el sits down besides him, "and what brings you here?" she asks as she mimics his position.

"nothing." he answers as she hums, "alright then."

"you?" he asks as she turns and smiles softly at him, "it's been a long day, i'm tired."

"don't tell me you bit troy's ears off as well." he snorts as she shrugs, "i had some help." she smirks at the memories as he nods, seeing unfazed.

"how did you get into doing this?" he asks her as she narrows her eyes at him, "how did you?"

"i'll answer after you." he promises as she tucks her knees up to her chest, "after everything that happened.. i started to realise that there were a lot of people like papa in the world. making more people like me. girls and boys feeling like they don't belong and receiving punches and kicks they don't deserve. i wanted to help people like me to get justice in a way by hurting the abuser... now you."

"you." he says simply as she looks at him in confusion, "me?"

"yes, you. after you died, i realised that you never actually got the justice you deserved. your dad just died and didn't pay for his crimes and people at school didn't pay for theirs either. i knew there were more people like you out there and i wanted to make sure that they do die.. but after they get a taste of their own medicine first." he explains to her, "and because i felt guilty that i watched you go through all that and did nothing but stand at the sidelines. in a way, i wanted to make it up to you."

she smiles softly, "you didn't do nothing. you did enough."

"did i though?" he asks as she nods, "yes." she leans closer to him and cradles his face with her hands, "you did so much without knowing."

he smiles weakly, "yeah?"

"yes." she moves closer, pulling him closer as well till they felt the small breaths escaping each other.

"i don't fucking care anymore." she grumbles and leans in to kiss him.

instantly, her hands tangle up to his hair, lightly tugging on his curls as his hands holds her waist and to pull her closer till their chest touches.

she moves to straddle his lap, a hand now holding his cheek as they never dare to move a inch that allows the other to move away.

her hips rock, allowing a low grunt to escape him. she goes to hold both of his cheeks, her kisses trialing down his sharp jawline and down to his neck.

he lets out a quiet groan as she sucks on his neck, leaving marks all over him till she found his sensitive spot and she swore she heard him let out a almost not heard whimper.

smirking, she continues her actions, till she drags her tongue along his jaw and down his chest as she unbuttons his button up shirt.

"fuck," he whispers and grabs a handful of her hair.

"what do you want?" she asks as he strokes her cheek.

"you have to answer..." she whispers against his cheek and licks, "to get what you want, baby boy." her tongue drags to his ear as she sucks on his earlobe.

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