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"for fucks sake!" i scream and throw a glass cup at the wall of the bar and then hold my hands up to stop the broken glass to fall to the ground.

"el." spade calls out as i scream and throws the glass at the wooden wall next to the rooms.

the glass lands on the wood, each glass pointing out obviously.

"there goes our other wooden wall." atlas says as i give him the middle finger.

"now for me to do this, i have to go back to hawkins. and if i go back, everyone will know that i'm not dead." i say and pace around, "shit." i throw my head back with a groan, "does anyone have a next target i can let my anger out on?"

"yeah." ace answers as he grabs a drink, "down on main and elm, third street, block one. we're not sure about it ye—"

"great thanks, bye!" i grab my keys and bag before heading to the stairs.

"shit, where's main?" i ask as diamond looks at me weirdly, "you live by main."

"shit, i do." i breathe out, "i'm out!" i slide down the railings and land down on the ground floor.

where was main again? right, where i live.

i'm just so stressed, i'm like nemo now. walking down to main, i pass a mexican store and i smile and head in since i'm just so hungry.

tacos and nachos seem great right now and i definitely should eat since i haven't in 24 hours.

i should yell at myself for not doing so but i should praise myself for walking into this mexican store right now.

"nachos with beef tacos please." i order up at the counter as the man nods and takes my order.

"just right up, sit down and wait, dear." he grins as i smile and go to sit down.

i shouldn't be here but down on main to kill a guy but i don't care. i like food.

"here you go." the man places down my food as i hand him the money, "keep the change." i smile as he grins at me and walks away.

smiling, i start to eat the food in front of me and completely forget that i'm supposed to be anywhere but here.

"want a coke?" the man asks from behind the counter as i smirk, "coca-cola or cocaine?"

he snorts, "coca-cola."

chuckling quietly, i nod, "sure."

he comes over with a large cup of coke and i smile and give him a thumbs up, "i'll come back and next time i'll try your chicken wings.." i look at his name tag, "jared."

"oh, you'll be amazed." he tells me and i eat my nachos, "and if i don't?"

"then i'll throw in some tacos." he smacks his hand on the table before leaving me alone.

looking up at the clock, i notice that it's starting to get late and so i quickly finish my tacos and nachos and i stand up.

"see you soon, jared." i grab my unfinished coke and my bag, "i better get those chicken wings next time." i shoot him a grin before waving and exiting the store.

"see you next time!" he waves back as i continue my wave to main.

once i cross the road, i notice that i'm close to the third street and the first block just as spade ha—

"hands in the air!"

jesus fuck.

what did i do this time!?

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