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"you are an asshole!" el shouts at mike as he laughs and leans back on the couch.

"no, don't laugh! you were supposed to let me win!" she shoves him away as his laughter continues.

they were playing mario kart because they had nothing better to do on this gloomy day. though mike has a very very large house, el questioned why it was so empty.

she said he should've installed an arcade, a library and much more but all he had was a movie theatre for the party.

el had already started her little mission on building a garden outside because she said it's brighten up the place.

she shoots up from the couch, "i'm done with this game. i'm checking on my flowers." she huffs, throwing the controller onto the couch and storming away.

"oh darling, c'mon!" he shouts after her as she ignores him and walks outside to her new garden.

her garden was filled with all sorts of flowers. chocolate lily's, black coral bells, night embers, viola sorbet black delight's and much more.

hearing the slide of the glass doors, mike sighs and gets up from the couch to go find her. he goes to open the door once he reaches it and sees her sitting in the middle of the garden.

he rests his arms on the porch and watches her from a higher height. she was sat on one of the wooden swings she placed there with a bench right in front of her.

finally, she looks up and he sees her stick her tongue out at him teasingly.

he chuckles and walks down the wooden steps on the left since it was closer to him. she also made one on the right for some reason.

said it looked richer or something.

once he reaches the grass floor, he walks along the path with flowers on both sides of him to show the path and soon he reaches the middle of the garden to sit on the swings with her.

though she was mad he beat her at mario kart, she still leaned her head down on his shoulder.

he rubs her side and pulls her closer as he peppers kisses all over her hair.

"are we doing it tonight?" he asks quietly as she nods, "yes. the boys are helping us with everything so all we need to do is go to the house." she looks up at him and informs.

he nods, "sounds good but i'm not on cleaning duty."

she snorts and covers her mouth, "same. blackjack and spade is doing it." she says with a small grin as he holds her face with one hand, "you smart girl." he squeezes her face lightly and leans in to kiss her nose.

she licks his palm and he doesn't even bother to pull back as she giggles, "i'm el hopper. i'm the smartest."

he pulls his hand back, "oh, yes you are, darling." he leans in and nibbles on her bottom lip, "yes you are."

she smiles and pecks his lips, "let's go get ready, baby boy." she stands up and drags him with her.

he groans and leans against her once they were stood up as she laughs once he stumbles, "don't step on my flowers! they're beautiful!"

he grumbles something, "i won't."

she nods at him, "good because i'll kill you if do."


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