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el met mike and everyone else at the front of the warehouse, dustin was freaking out the whole way, and they went to pick up lucas as well who was apparently out eating tacos. 

"everyone— meaning the party and the two elders —stay here with the car." el announces, "archer goes in first and so does your little men. then we follow. all i want to do is kill sky and you guys can do the rest honestly.

"honey," hopper starts, "is this—"

"yes. case closed, now sit your ass in the car because you are not doing anything but stay alive." she says and atlas throws her a gun which she puts in the waistband of her jeans.

"oh and get max, mike." she orders.

"they're inside. she's tied up on a chair." blaze says as she nods, "lovely. makes things much easier." she says as archer and his gang walks in first.

"we better get drinks after this." el mutters and walk in after with jasper and mike by her side.

"el, what a pleasure." sky smiles as she leans against the wooden chair max was tied to.

max didn't seem fazed. more annoyed that her hair is messed up.

"this your friend?" she asks her as el shrugs, "perhaps." she walks forward as they all raise their guns at el.

there were probably about 20 of them.

20 against 30.

what stupid russians.

el pouts, "did you guys seriously bring guns to a fight with me?" she holds her hands out to the side and tilts her head as all of their arms break with their guns dropping out of their hands.

"have fun, boys." she smiles at the people behind her and she heads towards sky as they all go to torture someone else.

"hey there sky." she holds her hand out to her and twist it to make her other arm break.

"how about some broken feet as well?" she asks rhetorically and breaks both of her legs.

"el, watch out!" someone shouts as she ducks to the side and grab someone's arm to kick them in the stomach.

she kicks off their thigh and their stomach into a backflip to make them hit the ground.

she holds her hand out somewhere and a gun flies into her hand to allow her to shoot them in the head.

"now where was i?" el asks sky and she holds her hand out in front of her neck and squeezes, making sky choke and slap her neck even though el wasn't choking her physically.

"oh boohoo, you knew what would happen if you ever betrayed me." a metal pipe flies into her hand as she screams, "no, please! pl—" she stabs the pipe into her mouth just as she screams.

"oops." el lets go of the pipe as she bleeds all over the floor, "goddamn, my shoes." she grumbles and heads over to mike and max, "god you're taking forever, it's sickening." she waves her fingers as the ropes come loose.

"hey max." she smiles, "welcome back, el." max grins as el gives her a hug.

"alright everyone, pack it up!" el shouts and then turns to jasper, "where do you normally place the bodies?"

"off the quarry." he answers.

"archer, since you have a big load of people. you're on clean up duty." el orders, "oh and, we're equal now so you'll gotta pay next time for a job." she claps her hands as atlas, spade, ace, diamond, blackjack and blaze joins her.

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