Chapter One

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The photos don't quite do her justice.

That's my first thought, that the American heiress is far lovelier in person than I expected, and the morning light streaming through the airport gives her an almost angelic glow. Not that it makes a difference, what I think of her looks, or anything else about her for that matter.

She could be ugly and unclean and I would still marry her.

The deal between HBK Group and Hudson International is the only thing that's of any importance. I would marry the Johnson Green family's only female child even if she were the world's ugliest, most irritating idiot just to ensure this happens. I would probably marry her brother or one of her many, many male cousins for that matter. Just as long as the relationship between our families is solidified.

I suppose I should feel fortunate that she's pretty. I know she's at least somewhat intelligent considering that part of the agreement includes allowing her to complete her Ph.D. in genetics and that her parents agreement that she could continue to study science was contingent upon her acquisition of a post graduate degree in a liberal arts field. I think she got a master's degree in world history or some such, before turning back to the sciences.

Of course, none of this means she's at all tolerable. She could be a real asshole for all I know.

I don't care if she is. Not even a little bit.

Leaning up against a wall, black face mask and baseball hat pulled low over my forehead, I watch her make her way through the airport with a tall man who looks eerily similar to her following behind her.

This is Arthur, her twin brother, younger by three minutes I understand. And next to him is a stunningly beautiful blonde woman I don't know anything about, though it's clear she's with them when Kimi Johnson Green stops, looks up at her and says something that makes the blonde woman and Arthur erupt into laughter.

Maybe she has a sense of humor then. That's a plus I suppose, though I hope she doesn't talk too much or if she's a talker she chooses not to speak to me much, if at all.

The less we have to do with each other the better.

I'm busy.

No one expects us to have a real marriage. It's enough to have a legal, on-paper only type marriage. All my future wife needs to do is be a good hostess and stay in the background.

I straighten slightly from my lean against the wall, panicking a little when I see her heading my way.

She can't possibly recognize me, right? I've covered most of my face and head, and I'm wearing faded blue jeans and an oversized hooded sweatshirt. I look like just about anyone that you've never

Ah, I'm near the bathrooms, she's heading to the bathroom. Must be.

Kim Johnson Green looks me straight in the eye and tilts her head, slowing her walk slightly. She smiles this pretty but distant smile and finally edges past me into the ladies' room. Her brother, meanwhile, stares at me for a beat, expressionless before turning his back to chat with the blonde woman who doesn't acknowledge me at all.

I watch Arthur and the blonde chatting and smiling. Arthur speaks with his hands and I can't hear what he's saying but it's definitely amusing the blonde.

They look relaxed with each other, lovers maybe, or just friends? Either way I find it enviable, their relaxed postures and the ease with which they're speaking. Looks can be deceiving, however, and for all I know they're pleasantly but cruelly baiting one another and putting up an appearance of enjoying themselves and being fine.

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