Chapter Eight

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Not fucking Kimi is one of the hardest things I've done in quite some time. I'm regretting not trying to tempt her into more last night, that way this morning we could've fucked before getting out of bed.

Instead I run out and grab coffee and breakfast while Kimi sleeps in a little longer. When I return she's in the shower so I set the food on the tiny kitchen counter and go open the bathroom with high hopes that the shower is a glass stall I can see through perfectly.

Alas it's an opaque shower curtain so I have to walk all the way into the steamy bathroom and pull it open. Kimi's arms are over her head as she rinses something from her hair. I don't know where to look first, her breasts and hips, her long legs with their sweetly rounded thighs, the dark curls between those gorgeous legs, or her ankles which are trim and delicate.

"Hey," I say making Kimi startle and spin away giving me a view of her perky, round ass. I find I'm still mesmerized by the sight of her naked back, the way her waist nips in before her hips flare out. Very sexy.

"What are you doing?" She practically shouts at me.

"I wanted to see you naked, so I came in," I confess, leaning a shoulder against the wall so I can continue to watch her comfortably, "carry on," I wave a hand at her.

"Jae! Go away!"

"No," I sigh like I regret having to say no to her and push the curtain open a little further, "I really like looking at you naked."

"That's nice but..."

"Please? It's been nothing but hard day after hard day, let me have this nice thing. I made a lot of trouble for you, let me atone by admiring you naked. Or...or!! I could get in with you and we could be naked together! I'll make us both feel better about the past week."


"Please? Oh! Look I took off my slippers! Oh dear, I feel my pants unbuttoning all by themselves and, oh, what's this? My shirt? My shirt is flying off my body! Good thing you like my naked chest."

"Ahn Hyuk Jae!"

"Okay, okay," I laugh lowering my shirt and re-buttoning my jeans as Kimi watches me over her shoulder. I can tell by her face she's amused but also not into sex in the shower at the moment. "Another time," I say sadly.

"Another time," she echoes and stares at me, single eyebrow raised.

"What? I can't even watch? I won't get in. I'll stay entirely clothed. I'll just be a casual observer," I raise my hand to back up my pledge.

"That's so weird," she wrinkles up her adorable nose.

"It's not! It's healthy! I'm a healthy man with a healthy desire to look at his woman naked."

"Am I your woman?" She asks drily.

"You should be," I tell her seriously.

"Should be," she parrots tilting her head to the side.

"Yes. I'd like to be with you. I'd also like you to turn around again as you continue with your shower."

"I'd like a pet t-rex to ride around the city. Shall we see who gets what they want first?"

"I see how it is! How hurtful," I grudgingly turn my back. "This is the best I can do. I can't leave, I can't close the curtain entirely, but I can give you my back."

"Sold," she laughs and I hear her start to move around again and immediately wonder if I could turn my neck enough to see her while keeping my back entirely turned as promised.

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