Chapter Ten

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I trash the beer cans on our way out of the convenience store and hold Kimi's hand as we walk leisurely back to her apartment.

I can barely think about anything other than fucking her right now. That I'm acting like a functioning adult male at the moment is kind of a miracle. She's sexy even in an oversized shirt and loose pants, her hair falling down her back in shiny waves.

This Kimi? She's not exactly the same as the Kimi I initially met. I can't quite put my finger on what's different but I like it a lot. Past Kimi was alluring for sure, smart and funny, I really liked her. Present Kimi, though, I'm falling in love with this version of Kimi and I think I know what that means now.

This woman is full of personal strength, holding herself up in tough situations. The way she looks forward, not dwelling or lamenting, just forging a new path when the one she's on gets cuts off? It's hot as hell. She's powerful, this woman, and I like it.

Had you asked me pre-Kimi what I want in a woman I wouldn't have said strong. I probably would have said delicacy or elegance. Kimi is those things too in her way, but it's her strength that's irresistible.

I find that I really want to make myself indispensable to her. But...I don't know what that looks like when she doesn't want my money or to use my connections. What does a woman like Kimi want if not those things?

"What do you want in a man?" I ask, because I might as well go straight to the source.

"Oh, well...someone strong, I guess," well, well, well, we have that in common, "someone smart and funny, kind...or kind to people who are vulnerable. Someone who doesn't look down on people for not being like them, someone who can appreciate people's differences. Someone really good in bed."

"Oh, oh!" I interrupt her and raise my hand like a student in class, "I can show you about the last one right now."

"Are you propositioning me!" Pausing in front of her apartment door, she fakes outrage and puts a dainty hand on her chest.

I practice my English profanity on her, "Fuck yeah," which makes her laugh and lightly punch my pec so I grab her fist and bring it to my mouth kissing it and then pulling her fingers apart to kiss her palm.

She takes her hand back to open the door and holds it open to let me pass through. Slipping off my shoes I put the bag on the little countertop. Kimi reaches around me and pulls the box of condoms from the bag and takes my hand leading me back to her bed.

She pushes me down and straddles my hips, I prop myself on my elbows so I can watch her as she opens the box and closes it again, my dick insanely hard as I watch her.

"Slide up," she tells me and I do as I'm told, moving to sit against the headboard with Kimi balanced on my lap.

She puts the box of condoms on the nightstand next to her bed and, spreading her pretty thighs wider, settles herself fully down onto my lap and I can feel the heat of pussy over my erection.

Sliding her hands up into my hair she leans into me, kissing me slowly and pushing her body tighter to mine, sealing any gaps between us. Her smooth, soft lips trail kisses across my face and neck, she kisses under my ear and swiftly licks me raising goosebumps along my arms. My dick is painful in my jeans now, pulsing with eagerness.

I sit up more fully, folding my legs into a cradle, I pull her to me, hugging her body close before leaning back to lift her shirt over her head. I remove her bra and sit back again, leaning on my hands to admire her. The way the globes of her breast sit against her ribcage, her pert nipples tilted up, begging for attention, makes me feel desperate.

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