Chapter Eleven

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By early-afternoon I find I'm still pretty ripped about Jae's implication that I can't handle my shit and I'm not bearing up under the pressure.

I mean, really, how dare he? He has no idea what this has been like.

Honestly? Losing my last two homes....well, I've never had the chance to get too settled in or attached to a place, though I want that for myself someday, so not a big deal there. The job? There are other ones. The negative media attention? Granted that's a first, but I don't really care. It's only difficult because I stand out a bit and people care very much about reputation and appearances, and I can't pretend I'm not who the media was talking about, but then again, who the fuck really cares?

Getting disinherited...I'm not gonna lie, money made my life really easy in many, many ways. I'm definitely feeling the stress of every penny. But what's getting me most?

No Arthur.

Don't get me wrong, I love Hedda, but Arthur is my twin. There's really nothing crueler my parents could do than to cut us off from each other.

They'll relent once they understand it's also harming Arthur, but there'll be rules about how much he can see me and he won't ever be allowed to help me financially which, to them, is the worst thing they can do to me.

All I want right now is my twin to be able to come over and lie on my couch with me and watch TV. Hold my hand and be a goofy moron with me. Tell me he loves me how I am, that I'm good enough for absolutely anyone and it's not my problem when people are blind to that. As if he can feel me thinking about him he texts me, "You around?"

Kimi: Yeah, what's up?

Arthur: Can I come over?

Kimi: NO. Do you want to get me killed?

Arthur: Just for a little bit?

Kimi: Arthur, dad will be so rip shit if you spend time with me without permission. It has to wait for now. Promise me you won't try to see me. I really don't think I can take much more, right now.

Arthur: Oh. Okay.

Kimi: Arthur. Don't be a baby.

Arthur: I am the baby, though, how can I not be the baby? I AM THE BABY.

Kimi: Wow. WOW. I miss you.

Arthur: I miss you too. This is awful. I got a girlfriend, though!

Kimi: Really? I'm surprised by that. Truly. You're so lame. What girl was dumb enough to get tricked into dating you?

Arthur: Now I'm not gonna tell.

Kimi: Okay. I'm not really interested in anything about you anyway.

Arthur: Worst sister ever.

Kimi: That's me!!

Arthur: Sonia says she'll help me get some stuff to you if it's needed. I could give you a whole bunch of cash, Sissy.

Kimi: NO. Jesus god, no no no.

Kimi: That we're texting is bad enough. You shouldn't contact me for awhile Arthur, this is gonna cause trouble. Just sit still and play with your new girlfriend, write your book and try to be happy. It'll pass. They'll relent if you're pitiful enough about it, but DO NOT ASK THEM TO LET ME HAVE MONEY. Okay?

Arthur: Yeah, I get it. I just hate it. It sucks so hard. Are you malnourished yet? Living in a box? I saw on the news you're a prostitute now. How's that going for you, is it paying well?

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