Chapter Thirteen

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I see Jae every day this week and learn that he has incredible stamina and a voracious appetite for sex. I think I have something like Pavlov's dog going on but with my pussy, because I swear he walks into my apartment, into the restaurant we're meeting at, pulls up in his car, whatever, and with one glance I'm wet and ready to fuck.

It's like he's trained my pussy to respond at the sight of him.

I love and hate it.

It's inconvenient and it's fabulous.

When I meet him out at his family's fancy hotel bar on Friday, the minute I see him sitting and casually sipping his drink, my panties are damp and I'm squirming, my brain immediately calculating the likelihood of getting a room for an hour before we have drinks.

He stands when he spots me and smiles, black eyes sparkling he comes around the little table and pulls a club chair out for me to sit.

"This is beautiful," I tell him, gesturing around me.

"Thanks. I had very little to do with the decorating of the space, that's all my mother. I did help design the building, however," he blows on his fingernails and buffs them on his shoulder, making me laugh.

"It's a great design, well done," I smile and order a beer from the waiter.

"I have to make a confession," he tells me, face grim.

"Oh," I raise a brow and my stomach feels a little nauseous suddenly.

"Last week after all the Kimi the Slutty Online Escort bullshit I asked my assistant, Darren, to start stalking you online and making sure you aren't showing up elsewhere."

"Uhm, that's nice of you?"

Jae smiles and reaches out to squeeze my hand, "You're so you all the time. I love it. Anyway, there's been a flurry of activity with new account creation attempts on various unsavory, sex for sale type sites using your picture and location."

"Okay," well that sucks.

"Darren has stopped them each time before they can go public, but whoever is behind it is really good and I'm concerned for your safety."

"Is that why you've stayed with me all week?" I ask, feeling acute disappointment. I thought he was staying because he wanted to be near me.

"No. I stayed because I want to be with you all the time and have started slowly moving into your apartment behind your back."

Well, then.

I open and close my mouth, searching for a response. I don't want to come out and say he can move in even though I want him's kind of scary.


"I'll stop sneak moving in, then, and just dump some of my stuff at your house and live there," he eyes me like he's expecting me to protest and I'm tempted to just to give him the business but decide not to because it's appealing.

I like it.

He should live with me.

"I'll pay half the rent," he tells me and I roll my eyes.

I hardly pay rent, Mrs. Park is not looking for money, she's looking to not live in her house by herself.

"You can pay next month, we'll trade off," I allow, thinking it's not really worth an argument. "You have to ask Mrs. Park if it's okay, though. She rented the space to one person not two so maybe she'll charge more or find it morally reprehensible since we aren't married. Also you look like you take long, hot showers and crank the heat," I tease him.

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