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My husband struggles terribly as our oldest son leaves to study abroad.

Despite the myriad security personnel who will tail him through the rest of his life, no doubt - well at least the rest of his father's life - Jae is still terrified something will happen to him. Eighteen years old or not, he's Jae's baby.

I gave up going anywhere without security years ago. Literally as long as Song Ah lives, regardless that the likelihood of her leaving the psych institute is slim to none, I will never be allowed out and about alone.

Not ever.

I think the only person in my family and Jae's who gets away without security is Hedda and that's only because of who she's married to. Arthur doesn't bother complaining anymore and I think my sister-in-law is grateful for my husband's mania.

"Mom," Yejun starts and I lovingly cover his mouth with my hand and put a finger to my lips, indicating it's time for him to shut the fuck up.

"I do not care to have your pitiful attempt at logic repeated to me. I heard you very clearly the first fifteen times, thank you very much," I say firmly, holding up one hand. "There is no logic in allowing you to go abroad without security."

"How is there no logic!" My eldest son bitches and his younger brother, Oliver, snickers along with their other brother, Six. I give them both the evil eye, I don't need this shit.

"Your father will never agree, it is not logical to have this argument once again when the outcome is predetermined. That is a waste of time and I don't like to upset your father."

"You don't give two crumbs about upsetting, daddy!" My eight year old daughter, Ae Chan, contributes, the little asshole. She's lucky she didn't say 'two shits' this time, I'd ground her sassy ass faster than the speed of sound. Again.

"Stop hassling your mother," Jae walks in holding our youngest son, Vidar's hand.

"Stop!" Four year old Vidar contributes.

"She shouldn't be upset right now," Jae explains, coming up behind me to rest his hand on my not-so-flat-anymore belly.

"Oh my god. What? Why?" Six yells pointing at my stomach where their sixth sibling grows.

"Your father is very sexy," I shrug a shoulder as four out of five children groan in disgust.

"I am. And your mother? She's so irresistibly fertile," Jae twists the vomitous knife.

"We wanted to have several middle children, 'cause they work the hardest, you know? They'll be better able to care for your father and me in our old age. They're just more attentive of others, I think," Oliver, Six, and Ae Chan nod solemnly and in unison, as though this is a very wise, highly profound statement I've just made even though in reality I've pulled it directly out of my ass to annoy my eldest child.

"What?" Yejun protests as youngest sibling Vidar smiles placidly, not fully aware that his mother has just insulted him and his stint as the family's baby is coming to an end. "How would you know about middle children, anyway? You're an only child," Yejun points at Jae before swinging his finger to me, "And you're a twin."

"But I'm the eldest twin, I know your life is easy," I taunt him.

"You're the worst. Seriously, the very worst."

I nod in agreement and Yejun throws his arms up, "I'm out!"

"Bye, son!" Jae calls after him, "I love you!!"

"I love you too," I can barely hear Yejun's muttered response as he climbs the stairs, heading up to his room I suppose.

"Nicely done," Jae leans down to kiss me and the rest of the kids scatter, all but Vidar who tugs on Jae's hand and raises his arms to be lifted up which Jae does.

"Well done you!" I counter and kiss him again before planting a raspberry on a giggling Vidar's chubby cheek.

"I bet we could fit one more in after this next one," Jae says and I know he means one more baby.

I smile at my handsome husband, "Fuck off," I tell him patting his cheek affectionately.

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