Chapter Fifteen

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What in the hell is going on?

I feel like I left my brain back on the mainland and arrived, for a rest I desperately need, with a shit ton of nothing tumbling around inside my skull.

There is a suspiciously beautiful young woman with a duffle bag of workout clothes and a short note from her ex-boyfriend - so she says - in my house.

Well, I brought her into my house, but flying earlier I looked down and there she was just sitting on my beach. Then sitting on the steps of my cabin. And now sitting - probably - somewhere in my sole guest bedroom.

I shower, because god I need it, and collapse onto my bed wanting to take a short nap and shake off the long night but unable to stop running through the events of the last hour.

How did she get here?

You cannot get close to this place without my permission.

The soldiers will stop you unless you're expected.

I may only be a third son but I'm still a royal prince of the state so my life, and the protection of it, is taken very seriously by everyone, especially me.

So how the hell did this...Kimi Ahn...make her way onto my private property without getting shot? Hmmm?

Beautiful young woman sneaks onto island to seduce prince for money, either from me or from the tabloids, makes more sense than beautiful young woman is drugged and dropped on prince's beach because ex-boyfriend wishes to be rid of her.

She's convincing though.

And she's barefaced rather than dressed up and styled to attract, with a sweatshirt wrapped around her head like a turban for fuck's sake. What woman tries to lure a man in that way?

Although...she is alluring, grubby clothes and sweatshirt hat notwithstanding.

Where did she come from?

Letting the towel slide to the floor I grab sweatpants from the top drawer and slip them on. I knock on her door and there's no answer so I open it, praying she's decently clothed still.

Asleep on the rug.

She's asleep on the rug.

Not on the bed. Not on the couch or a chair.

On the white shaggy rug on the floor.

And she's drooling on it. Drooling on my rug.

"Hey!" I semi-yell.

She opens a single eye and sort of...grunts at me before rolling over and, apparently, going back to sleep.

"Hey!" I try again and she sits up legs outstretched and...starts to cry.

"What?" She whisper yells at me and I instantly feel really, really bad.

I clear my throat, "How..."

"Plane, boat," she yelps cutting me off, and cries harder.


I clear my throat again, "Sorry."

I back out but she stops me asking between sniffles and hiccups if she can drink the water from the tap. I tell her no and to wait a minute.

I get her a carafe of spring water with a glass and add some rolls to the tray and bring it back to her.

"Thank you," she says quietly when I set the tray next to her on the floor, tears run down her face in delicate rivers and I'm unsettled that she doesn't try to wipe them away or stop them.

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