Part 1

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It had been 18 years since all those terrible things started, the past which stolen everything away from you. You’re 23 years old, known as “Titania of the Darkness” with a bounty of 210 million beri on your head. You left a small island 2 years ago, the place where you trained in order to make yourself become stronger. You have a goal you must accomplish at all cost in order to get revenge; you have to destroy the world government. You have no interest in becoming the ‘Pirate King’, you didn’t care if the One Piece existed or not. 

“This is probably Sabaody Archipelago, it larger than I expected. Halfway of the Grand Line, I have to check it out and get more supplies in order to set sail again.” you said to yourself with a grin on your face. You stepped off your small ship along with your pet wolf, Akira. He has been your adventure companion since the beginning of your adventure 2 years ago. You found him injured at the first island you went, you helped him and found out he was a strong animal that can fight with fast speed and strength of 150 men. You asked him to join and without hesitation, Akira said “yes” with a growl of his. Akira is the only companion since you always prefer to be solitary and others could potentially get in your way. You walked off with Akira to the nearest town in the distance. 
You walked through the town, feeling the eyes of other pirates and bounty hunters eyes on you; they’re getting ready to pounce on you at any moment. Town people also stopped to stare at you in awe; you knew they couldn’t resist the beauty you received from your mother since birth. Your perfectly (h/c) hair swings side to side, mesmerizing people as you walk. Your perfect body, curve, and chest move in sync with each other, causing most people to drool over you. Your shining (e/c) eye concentrate on what is in front of you, ignoring the start, glare, and whisper.

“I spot a beautiful infamous pirate walking through this town.” Someone spoke. You tilted your head to the left, a man with steel gray eye was eyeing you along with his pirate crew drooling over you. “Trafalgar Law, famous pirate with a bounty of 200 million beri.” you said to him. “I’m surprise you know me, Titania.” Law said to you, smirking. “There is no one in the Grand Line who’s never heard of you at least once.” you said coldly. “Same goes for you, Titania.” Law said. “Whatever, I’m leaving.” you turned away and walk ahead with Akira next to you.

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