Part 10

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It been 6 days since the day you’ve told your past to everyone in the crew, they all respect you now. You began to realize that you have beginning to fall more for Law as days passes by, you now truly respect him as a true captain that still accepted you. The relationship between you and Hikari is still cold, she seems to hate you more than ever as day went by. You’re currently on your bed with your book, leaning against Akira as a big pillow. You rubbed your eyes after a long time of reading and decide you’re going to make yourself a cup of coffee in the kitchen. You make your walk to the kitchen and passed by Shachi, whose said “hi” to you the moment he see you. You said ‘hi’ back to Shachi and he blushed again, you smile when he try to covered his blush. You walked into the kitchen, saw Law but ignore him. You began the process of making coffee when Law appeared behind and grabbed your waist, he said “it not nice to ignore you lover when he in front of you when you walk in.” You ignore what he said and continue making coffee with a casual look on your face. Law suddenly had it and yanked away your mug of coffee, which was on your hand. You turned to him and yelled “give it back to me!” Law move away and said “that what you get for ignoring me, you of all people should know I hate to be ignore.” You tried to take your coffee back but Law was quick enough to move away from you. Suddenly, Law put down the coffee and pulled you onto his arm. You froze for a second but return the hug he gave you. The both of you stood there, hugging each other for 5 minutes when you pulled away and grabbed your coffee, running away after that. You went back to your room and sipped your coffee while reading, Law then came over and said “you’re not very polite to your lover and captain.” You turned your head to face Law and replied “I know.” Law came over and hauled you away from your chair, he then throw you onto the bed; making Akira flinched a little. Law then pleased Akira “Akira, I need you to go out. I want some private time with your master.” Akira then yawned and bobbed his head as a ‘yes’, he then left you and Law alone in the room. 

You’re currently being pinned down by Law, his eyes stare into you (e/c) eyes. Law roughly smashed his lip onto your and his tongue began to explore the inside of your mouth. The kiss lasted for several minutes but stopped when the both of you were desperate for air. Law kept you pinned down and began to traced kisses down your neck, leaving marks and hickies. “You’re too beautiful and pure to be let go.” Law whispered in your ear. You smile and whispered back “thank you for the compliment.” Law smile at you and said “(y/n), let me hear your laugh.” You flinched at the request and your face darken. Law on top stop smiling and caressed your cheek “I’m sorry (y/n), it seems like I brought you sadness again.” You look up at him and smile “it not that, it just…” You was interrupted by Law’s hand on your lip, he put on a smile and said to you “don’t push yourself, don’t blame yourself.” At that time, you felt your heart skipped a beat; you love this man too much, you will do whatever he ask you to. Hot tears trickled down your cheek and Law use his hand to move them away. Law look down at you and kissed you gently on the cheek. You wrapped your arm around Law’s neck and pulled him down against the bed, you felt as if you could depend on him on everything. There, you whispered gently in Law’s ear “thank you.”

~~~~~After Dinner~~~~~

You walked back to your room and pounced onto the bed. Law walked in 2 minutes after, seeing you on the bed hugging a pillow. Law jumped in bed with you, then hugged you tightly into his warm chest. “Hey, Law. Why did you say yes when Hikari asked you to be in the crew? She can’t even fight or do anything.” you asked Law. Law sighed and replied “I don’t really know myself, maybe pity.” You grunted and turned away from Law, looking at white wall of the room. Law smile and said softly “it not like I love her or anything, I just pity her. At that time, I have already fallen for you deeply.” You turned to Law and kissed him on the lip softly, he quickly returned it. When the two of you parted for air, there was a thudding of footsteps outside the open door of your room. You turned to Law and asked “it Hikari, what are you going to do with her when she do nothing in the crew?” Law smirked and kissed you on the forehead before replying “I have already decided to leave her at a safe island if we ever pass any.” You smile at Law and hugged him tight, but then stood up and close the door of your room to get some privacy with Law. From 7 PM to 10 PM, the both of you kiss and acted just like a real lover. When it was 10 PM, Law kissed you goodnight and left your room for you to get some sleep. Akira came back in at 10:15 PM and the both of you slept, but that night brought you that nightmare once again. 

You woke up screaming with tears trickled down your cheek, Akira woke up immediately and tried to calm you down. Law came running in and hugged you deep into his chest, he then said “it ok, it over now.” You sniffled but the tears of sadness and yelled “even when I get stronger and stronger, why can’t I get over the past which had almost brought me down to the point of despair? Why is that? Why?” Law hugged you tighter into his chest, then said “I will cure that pain of the past which made you cry.” You felt your tears stopped but you weakly asked “how?” Law used his hands and lifted your chin up, Law then said “I will make you feel more in love with me.” Your eyes widened and a smile spread across your lip “please do.” In your heart, you know that if Law is the only one that cure your heart, then you will take upon the offer he had gave you. The next day, you woke up in Law’s arm. You broke free from Law’s grasp and walked into the kitchen to make yourself a mug of coffee, Hikari was sitting on the dining table. You walked past her and over to the coffee machine and began by putting in a handful of coffee bean onto the machine to start the making. Hikari then said to you “you’re enjoying your love with the captain, aren’t you? You just received the man whose every girl would want to have, you’re lucky.” You turned to her with your arm cross and asked “what are you trying to say?” Hikari gave you a glare and yelled loudly at you “why can’t I be in your place? Why isn’t the captain interested in me? Why can’t I be as beautiful and perfect as you?” You stare at the pitiful girl which was standing in front of your face, this is what Law saw in her when she asked him to be in his crew. You then sighed and replied “that something you have to answer by yourself. And by the way, Law already decided he’s going to kick you out of the crew.” Hikari startled a bit and yelled “you’re lying, captain would never kick me out!” You turned away to turned off the coffee machine and while pouring the coffee, you said “I would never lie about such thing, the only reason why Law would even let you be in this crew was because he pity you.” Hikari then fall to the ground and you left her, you can understand a bit how she felt about what you said. 

You walked back to your room and saw Law still sleeping, you then sat next to him and read your book. You read until you heard a hand grabbed you by the wrist, you turned and saw Law yawning loudly. “Good morning” you said with a smile. Law yawned and said “good morning to you too, (y/n).” Law sat up and pulled you into a tight hug before getting up. Law then said “we’re stopping at an island today, you’re going with me.” You nodded as an ‘ok’.

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