Part 14

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~Law POV~

Law was shocked at what just happened, did it really happened? Law was currently being pinned down by Hikari, both her arms kept Law’s arm in place. “You’re not going anywhere, I won’t let you get to her.” Hikari hissed. Law was wordless, he was beyond shocked to see someone else with demon power. A sudden action took Law by surprise, Hikari pushed her lips against Law. Law struggled but Hikari was too strong, she have the strenght no one could compete. The kiss lasted for about 2 minutes when Hikari and Law both need to get air. Law gagged since he couldn’t bare to kissed someone else that is beside (y/n). Law finally founded the right time and pushed Hikari away from him, Law swiped his lips. Hikari eyed Law carefully and said “with this power in my hand, I can killed you and (y/n) any second.” Law gritted his teeth by her sudden words and replied “(y/n) is not weak, I believed she’s even stronger than you are now.” There was a hateful glinted in Hikari’s eyes, Hikari sneered and said “be mine, Law-kun! I can give you a better happiness than (y/n)” Law’s face darkened, there was no way he was going to be her, with the type of woman he hate the most. Law hold on tight to his sword and said “I have to declined, you know who I truly love.” After saying the words he want to say, Law disappeared in front of Hikari using his power. Law continued to ran through the wood, dodging trees and teleporting through fast as possible. There was a laughed on top of him that sends him shivers down is back, Hikari was currently gliding through the air above him, trying to grabbed him but failed. He doesn’t care what might happen to him, all he care now is (y/n) and where she might be. 

~Your POV~

Sitting in someone elses bed with your hand cuffed to the headboard is one of the most uncomfortable things in the world, not to mentioned with a perverted guy sitting next to you while you’re completely powerless. Akihiko was currently on beside you, sipping his wine slowly. You were currently daze out, worries buried deep inside you. A voice then cut off your daze, “you’re awfully quiet, my dear, is something troubling you?” You grunted at the name he called you and replied back with a deadly voice “shut up, I’m not in the mood to talk with you.” Akihiko sat up and tilted your face with his hand so you would face him completely, he said to you “that not nice, my dear.” You jerked your head back and turned away from him, pissed. Akihiko shifted until his hand grabbed your chin and turned your face so it would face him, you glared at him. Akihiko smirked at you and with his hand on your chin, his lips was pressed against yours. You were surprised by his action and as your inside fill up with disgust, you pulled all of your strength together and  kicked him in the stomach. Akihiko regained his composure and smirked again “it not nice to do that.” You glared at him and said “you disgust me.” A glinted of anger flashed in Akihiko’s eyes and he said “you’re powerless, my dear. And one more thing, you beloved Law-kun isn’t coming to save you.” You were confused by his sudden word and asked “I trust him, he would definitely come and save me.” A laugh erupted in the room, you flinched slightly. Akihiko yelled at you with a huge smile on his face “oh please, he can only do that if he can get rid of your rival Hikari! She have the demon’s power I lend her.” Your eyes widened, what you just heard was unbelievable. You eyed Akihiko and asked “if you said you lended her the power, that means you’re the demon yourself!” Akihiko came closer to you and grabbed a lock of your hair and sniffed it, he then said “I do have the demon power in me, but I’m not as strong as you, who hold the power of the both the angel and the demon.” You felt as if an arrow had hit you right on the heart, there was someone else that possessed the demon’s power? Everything sound so new to you, you thought that the demon’s race was eliminated when you were young. Akihiko stared at you and answered the question you have in your head “I escaped, my parents sacrificed themself for me to live, I owned them life. When I heard the demon’s princess was still alive, I was dying to make you mine. I was dying to meet you, but never have I think you would fall in love with a human.” A demon spreaded out from Akihiko’s back, showing the sign that he’s really a demon. Without your permission, your own demon and angel wings emerged from your back. Your hair began to turned silver, your eyes turned red and your hair began to turned silver, which is the true color of a demon, silver hair is also the proof that you are the demon’s princess. Akihiko smirked and cooed “you’re so beautiful, too beautiful! That lowly human pirates doesn’t deserved you.” You’re furious now, so much that you just want to go on a rampage and kill the man in front of you. Your front teeth grow fangs, your true form was right before Akihiko’s eyes. “Did you know (y/n)? Demons are known for their lustful nature, you wouldn’t mind if I take you right here right?” Your crimson eyes grew in terror and Akihiko began to slid down the strap of the dress. You tried to struggle, but the cuff that tied your hand together hold you back. Akihiko stripped down the dress until you were half-naked, your bra was still on. Akihiko licked his lips and landed butterfly kisses down your neck, leaving dark marks, you knew Law hate when another man put marks on you. Your eyes brimmed in tears as you screamed silently “Law! Law! Where are you? Save me….”  

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