Part 13

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You woke up on a bed that is being decorated by different colors of roses, the smell immediately make you grunted in disgust. You looked around and observe, finally remembered what happened to you. You tried to move, but your both of your hand is being chained onto the bed headboard. You are currently wearing a short white dress along with a red rose on your head, these type of pretty dress-up is something you hate the most. The door clicked open, came in Akihiko himself with a huge smile on his face. You tried to struggled free of the handcuff, but something is holding your demonic power at bay. Akihiko turned to you and give you a bright smile, “you are powerless, my dear. That handcuff have properties which keeps demon power at bay, it not possible for you to use your power with that handcuff on.” You glared at the guy and asked “what are you? It not everyday to see someone who knows truly who I am and how to maintain it power that easily, what are you after?” Akihiko sat down onto the bed and took a rose onto his hand, then sniffed it. “You, my dear.” You gritted your teeth and shoot back at him “if you’re after my bounty, why didn’t you just say so?” Akihiko got closer to you and kissed you on the cheek, then said “it would be a waste to give away such a beauty, even Boa Hancock is nothing compare to you.” You fought back the disgust that is currently building up inside, this guy is definitely driving you nuts. You grunted in disgust, then thought “where are you, Law?”

~Law POV~
I rush through the street, pushing people aside. I yelled for her name, hoping she would return my call. I won’t forgive him, I definitely won’t… I continue to run, ignoring the tiredness deep inside. I ran everywhere, from the town to the forest and the field, but there was no sign of (y/n). I stopped to rest at the stump of tree near the forest and gasped for air. It was completely dark, there was almost no sign of life around. I left my guard down at that time, and I blamed myself for (y/n) kidnap. There was a sudden ruffle in the bust nearby, I immediately grabbed my sword and swung at the bush. A shriek vibrated through the night sky, I fixed my eye on the figure which was standing next to the bush. A woman came into view, she was wearing a yellow t-shirt with short. “Hikari!” I called out. Hikari shifted a little and stare into my eyes. “What are you doing here at night?” I asked. Hikari clenched her fist and replied “I came to find you.” I stood up and said “go back to the ship, I need to look for (y/n).” Hikari jumped over and grabbed my arm, “you’re injured and tired, let go back and look for (y/n) tomorrow.” I tried to push Hikari away but she grip my arm hard. “She had been kidnapped, I have to go and look for her.” I yelled. Hikari didn’t budge, she gripped my arm even tighter. Something suddenly slammed against my back hard, making me dizzy. My vision went into a blur and darkness took over. 

I woke up when the shimmering sunlight struck my eyelid. I look around my room and sat up, my head hurt and body sore badly. I look down and gasped, Hikari was sleeping next to me. The part upper was naked, I have no shirt on. I slowly got out of bed and got dressed, a voice sounded behind me. I finished changing my clothes and turned around to see Hikari sitting up, she was wearing a seductive sleeping wear. I grunted and head for the door, trying to calm myself from what just happen last night. “Captain Law, wait!” Hikari shouted. I ignored her and walked out, hating myself for letting anyone else beside (y/n) sleeping next to me. “Why do it have to be her? Why can’t I take her place? Why do she have to be your number one?” I stopped walking and turned around, “you can’t make me love you, so don’t ever try to take advantage of me when I’m sleeping.” There was a blush across Hikari face in embarrassment, I left her standing there. I grabbed a piece of bread from the kitchen and popped it in my mouth while walking out the submarine to continue the search. I talked to Shachi about the problem and he quickly ran off to tell the others about it. I walked out the submarine and then ran to start my search for (y/n). An arm grabbed me before I could even step off the submarine, a voice said “please don’t leave me!” I turned around and saw Hikari with her arm around me, but something make my eyes widened in shocked. On the back of Hikari’s back was a devil’s wing, a black wing pierced the morning light of the day. There was a loud sob, Hikari tackled me to the ground of the submarine. Tears dripped onto my cheek and I stare at her in shock and surprised, I thought “why do she have the wings of the demon?”

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