Part 15

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With Hikari behind him, Law was trying his best to lose her. Hikari thrown black fires at him, incinerating trees around him. Law need to find Akihiko's hideout to rescue (y/n), and Hikari probably have the key that he need. Law need to take Hikari out and make her spit out Akihiko's hideout, he isn't gonna sit down and let his beautiful (y/n) getting body grope by a pervert. Law have enough of running and decided to face Hikari head-on, he stopped dead track Hikari landed down onto the ground with a grin on her face. Law glared and said "let make a deal, we fight. If I win, you'll tell me where Akihiko's hideout is and if you win, then I'll do what you say." Hikari smirked and laughed, she replied "I accepted your challenge, you think you could actually beat me in a fight with this power in my hand?" Law was betting on his life, he was betting on his beloved lover. Law knew he was betting everything, but this is the only way to get you back. Law charged, his eyes focus on Hikari and her movement. Hikari throw black fires at him, Law dodged using his power. Hikari's speed was fast enough that she have appeared behind him and kicked him down onto the ground, Law groggily got up and panted. Hikari chuckled and nodded her head, she said "you can give up Law-kun. Please stopped and be my lover, I hate hurting my love ones, but if this is the only way to obtain you, I will do it." Law gritted his teeth and said nothing, is she underestimating him? Hikari started to shoot some more of her powers at him, Law dodged them all. Even so, if he don't attack soon and continue to dodge, he would soon run out of stamina. Law decided to ended the fight with the next attack, his determination grow stronger than ever. As Hikari throw more black fires at him, he used his power and dodged them all while in the air with his sword up. Hikari eyes glinted gold as she summoned her dark sword swirling in dark aura, she surged at Law and both of them clashed. They were fighting against in the air with sword and Law knew he had a disadvantage, but he tried to keep that away. Law couldn't give up now, he had already sworn to never lose again and he will keep it that way until the end. Law increased his speed and disappeared, Hikari flinched. Law raised his sword up and in one swift movement, Law pushed Hikari down onto the ground with his sword on her neck. Hikari widened as her face was shone with fear, sweat dripping down her forehead and onto her cheek. Law panted and asked "where is he?" No replied. Law yelled again "where is he?" Hikari hesitated before she answered "deep into this wood, there is a cave. The cave will lead you down onto a large door, that is the entrance to his castle."

Law got up, sheathing his sword back onto it scabbard. Hikari sniffled and sobbed, she looked beyond pitiful. Law turned around and ran, going deep into the forest, in search of a possible cave somewhere. It took a long time to find a cave but Law had managed to found it with the same determination that he had before. Law smashed through the giant wooden door in the cave and walked in, not very shock how gigantic the place is.

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