Part 3

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As the three captains walked argued, you kept walking. The four of you were surrounded by more than hundreds of Marine soldiers, you sighed and asked yourself “what have I got myself into?” You summoned your two katanas and glared at them, sending chills down their spine. You can be beautiful at any time but when it came to fight, it a whole different story. You make the first move and send Marine soldiers flying. Your sword was no ordinary, they both contains the fighting spirits that was created in order to protect you. You swung your two swords and use one of your moves, sending Marine soldiers flying back. The three captains stare at you in awe. You thought to yourself “have they never seen a woman fight before?” The three captains snapped out of their daze when cannons were shot toward them. They use their move and you could see that all three are a devil’s fruit user. “Not bad” you thought. You compliment them and they also compliment you back with a grin. 

After a while of fighting, all of the pirates came out and joined their captains. The three captains realized you’re standing alone with Akira and asked “where your pirate crew, Titania?” You sighed and replied “I’m a lone pirate.” Sparkles appeared on all of the captain eyes as they all shouted all together “JOIN US THEN!” You were pretty much overwhelmed by their loudness and it took you a while to answer back. “I’m a solo pirate. I don’t need anyone else nor do I have interest in following other people order.” You said to them. Monkey D. Luffy stare at you with sparkle eye again, saying “SO COOL~” Eutass Kid then laughed out loud “you really are interesting, Titania! Let meet in the New World someday, I won’t give mercy!” You giggled and agreed. You knew you can’t have the title of the ‘Pirate King’ but you can at least sail around the world and get into troubles after you accomplish your goal. You then waved good bye to everyone and disappeared in a blink of an eye along with Akira. 

You went back to Grove 24, the place you first started when you land on this island. Your eye widened in horror, body of Supernovas are lying on the road; either unconscious or weak. In front of you stood the Marine admiral, staring at you with a satisfy look. He was wearing a yellow suit with the Marine admiral haori. “Run Titania! You’re no match for him! That admiral Kizaru.” Someone yelled. 

“Titania? Ahh, Titania of Darkness, the government is hungry for your head. They’re planning to raise your bounty.” Kizaru said to you. 

“Why didn’t they just do so? And what have I done to get my bounty raise?” you asked.
“You’ve done nothing. But the government concerned, they’re scared of you unleashing that power than had once destroyed the island that was home to the Celestial Dragon. One more thing, everyone in the higher-class of the government knows.” 

“Knows what?” 

“You have the power of immortality. You can never die or age, a deadly gift when a blood of demon and angel are mixed together in a human body.

“H-how did you know about that?”

“We took the blood samples of your dead parents and studied them, finding out if there is any differences when a blood of an angel and a devil mixed together. We’re all surprise, I should say. No one in this world have the power of immortality except for you, that why the government put a high bounty on you. You’re much far worse than Nico Robin, they want me to capture you before you know how to use that power.”

You gritted your teeth, trying to hold back your anger.  The government can’t ignore your existence much longer, they’re going to capture you. The memories of the past flooded back to you, you couldn’t help that you’re scare. Suddenly, a voice deep inside you spoke “do you need power? Do you want to revenge your families and people? You’re weak, just admit it.” You know those words are true, you’re too weak to do anything. “Fine, take over me. Let me win.” you said quietly. You suddenly lost your control over your body, everything is in a daze. Your back sprouted out two wings, one with angel while the other was a demon wing. Your hair began to turn silver, your fingernails turning sharper and sharper, and your front teeth also grow longer. This is the true you deep inside, with the blood of an angel and demon. The inside you took over and all you could do now is watch in silence as the battle rage. Admiral Kizaru attacked you, but you dodged easily using speed. Everything he does is blinding, but it doesn’t work on you because your darkness is much stronger. Your speed matches his, you knew the inside you is in the same league as him. 

The two stopped and land onto the ground, exactly ten meters away from each other. “I would love to play more, but it seems like I’m out of time.” he said to you. He threw something at you, you try to dodge but he appeared behind you and grabbed your hand. You froze, unable to move for a split second. The thing apparently caught on to you and Kizaru let you after that, your power is disappearing. You’re back to your normal self, you look at your arm and saw a paper seal sticking onto you. You tried to rip it out but it somehow didn’t let you go, you gasped for air heavily. “That paper seal every demon magic, the government gave it to me in case I need it.” Kizaru smirked. The admiral then shoots his light beam, injuring your arm, making it bleed badly. He shoots more beams, making you paralyze. Even if you are gifted with the gift of immortality, the pains you took in are 100 more painful than a normal human. You yelled in agony as tears rolling down your cheek. Akira ran next to you, whimpering and licking. Akira then watches the admiral get closer to you, giving you the stare. A couple of Marine soldiers came over to took you away, but then Akira send then flying and grabbed you by the shirt collar and tossed you onto his back. Using his speed, Akira quickly moves to the sky, moving faster than a humans’ eye could see. You look back, Kizaru is following the both of you with a deadly stare. You were scare of what happen when the government took you back, you couldn’t stand the thought. Kizaru shoots beams of light continuously, injuring Akira leg as they go on. Akira wouldn’t give up, he kept on moving even if pain pierces through him continuously. Akira started to slow down, you knew he taken too much damages on the leg to be moving this fast. You realized he was glowing yellow, he was ready to use his ultimate speed. “Akira, stop! You’re going to injure yourself deeply if you use it!” you yelled on top of your lung. Akira didn’t listen to you and use the move, his speed increases by 50 times. You look behind, the image of the admiral is disappearing. Akira fur is stained red with your blood and his legs also bleeding internally, not showing a sign of stopping. Akira suddenly fall down, landed on the ground with you with a loud ‘thud’. Your body was in terrible shape, you bleed everywhere; staining the lawn around you. You got closer to Akira, who is gasping for air heavily while bleeding hardly. “I’m sorry Akira for putting you through this pain.” you sobbed. “Titania, what happened to you and your wolf?” someone voice sounded out. You look up and saw Trafalgar Law along with is crew staring down at you with their eye widened. He too, was in a terrible shape but nowhere as terrible as you and Akira.

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