Part 7

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When the three of you walked back and Law introduced his crew to Hikari, the crews start to daydream about her. The three of you sat down and Law asked her “where do you want to go?” Hikari startled at the question and stand up, yelling loud enough for you and Law to hear “is it ok if I join your crew?” You and Law look at her in surprise, not knowing what to expect. Hikari look at Law for a second and look down into the floor and said “my family abandoned me when I was little, I lived alone until I was kidnapped by a bunch of thugs threatened to sell me. They took me to the island you just went. I was able to escaped but those four guys lured me into the alley and seduced me, that when you came in and helped me. I felt that I could trust you and travel around together. Even if I were to go back now, I still have nowhere to go.” You saw her gritting her teeth but compare her past to your, that pain is nothing compare to what you’ve experienced. Law crossed his arm and said “fine. Welcome to the crew.” Hikari jumped in joy and hugged Law tightly, sending you a small feel of jealousy. Hikari then flashed her most seductive smile at Law and you turned away, couldn’t bear the scene. The scene lasted for about 3 minutes when you stood up and excuse yourself to your room. You saw Law’s glance but continue to walk away.  You spotted Akira on your bed, snoozing. Akira golden eyes then fluttered open and he turned to you to stare. You snatched your new books and get in bed with him.

You’re reading your new enjoyable book with Akira next to you when you heard footsteps approaching your doorway. Law was standing there, his eyes stare into your (e/c) eyes. You look up and asked “what do you need, captain?” Law stare at you and said “compare to Hikari, you never laugh, (y/n). You do smile a few times but never laugh.” You gritted your teeth and close your book “is that all you have to say?” Akira look up, turning to you with a puzzled look on his face.  Law continue to stare at you while saying “you never open yourself to anyone, never share your feeling, why is that?” You got up and walked in front of Law “that none of your business. And I’m sorry if I can’t share my feelings to anyone, and if you’re beginning to hate me, then make Hikari your lover instead of me then.” You slammed the door and locked the door. You slumped to your knee as tears trickled down your cheek, you knew you’re being rejected by everyone no matter what you do. Akira came closer and licked you, trying to make you feel comfortable. Time flies and it was then dinner time, you walked with Akira silently to the dining room. You saw Law and Hikari talking and laughing and ignored them. You took your seat and could feel Law’s glance but he quickly averted back to Hikari. After dinner, you walked out the submarine to get some fresh air. It feels good, the wind rushed past you, sending your (h/c) flying back. You watched the sunset and walked back in, seeing Hikari lying on Law’s lap talking to him, smiling and laughing. You’re in your room and accidentally fell asleep due to exhaustion from a tired day. That nightmare came again…

“You forbidden being, you don’t belong in this world.”

“Disappear, you cursed child of the devil and angel!”

“Hahahaha!!! I have the child of angel and devil in my hand! She’s mine forever.”

You woke up, yelling as tears fall down your cheek uncontrollably. Akira then nudged you gently, trying to comfort you as best as he could. “Why did you scream, Titania?” Law asked as he lean onto the door of your room. You gave him a cold glare as Akira jumped down the bed, growling angrily. Suddenly, Hikari jumped into your room and grabbed Law’s arm jumping up and down shouting “I won against Shachi and Penguin. Where’s my reward?” You were about to yelled when Akira eyes glows in anger and his jaws growled angrily at Law and Hikari, signaling them to get out immediately. “What wrong with the wolf, why is he growling at us? What going on?” Hikari asked, clinging to Law. “(y/n), make Akira stop now, this is an order!” Law shouted. You smirked and send the both of them deadly glare “Akira did what he think is right, he protecting me. At this point, I can’t tell him what to do anymore. There are time when he ignored me, you know.” Law gritted his teeth and yelled “why do you lock yourself in that invisible cage of yours? Why can’t you ever tell others your feelings? What is it that you’re afraid of? Isn’t it lonely? Why do you not fly free?” You give him a deadlier glare and said “you have no right to ask me those questions, you know nothing about I’ve been through as a child. I have nothing to tell you.” Your eyes glows red, your demon wings sprouted from your back showing that you’re angry. Law eyes widened in surprised and so is Hikari. Akira shooed Law and Hikari out and shut the door with a huge ‘slam’. You sighed as your demon wings disappeared, Akira jumped up onto the bed and you kissed him on the forehead as a thank you. You then fall back onto the bed and fall asleep again, but with no nightmare this time.

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