Part 2

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“Grove 1, this is the auction house it seems. Let go check it out, Akira.” You said. Deep inside your heart and mind, you knew this is where it happened 18 years ago. Akira growled in agreement and also nodded. You and Akira side by side walked in the auction house. You and Akira took the seat somewhere at the back of the huge room. You suddenly remembered that horrid past, you took a deep breath and cleared it from your mind. You glanced around the room, spotting Trafalgar Law and Eutass Kid. The place is starting to get crowded and the auction started. Your eyes were on the stage the whole time, looking at those people that were   being sold to be slave. The last items that was being bid on is a mermaid girl, she was definitely cute. Everyone attentions were on the stage and people start raising their number, bidding their amount of money. At the end, that girl belongs to the Celestial Dragon. Suddenly, a boy it a straw hat came running down the stair calling “Caimie! Caimie!” You start at him in amusement, waiting for what he might do next.

You can sense that the boy in the straw hat was full of anger. The straw hat ran and you could see the Celestial Dragon at the back of him, drawing out his gun. The Celestial Dragon fired the shot and a certain mermen take the shot, protecting the boy in the straw hat. The straw hat boy look back with his eye widens. He walked back with a deadly look at the Celestial Dragon, but was stopped by the weak mermen lying on the floor. The mermen apologize and you could hear some people whisper and giggle among themselves. The straw hat boy then saying nothing, he took the mermen hand to release it from his wrist. The straw hat boy then looks up and walk toward the Celestial Dragon, his eye was deadly. Murmurs from the audience got louder. “He couldn’t be serious; does he even know the consequences?” You said to yourself. The straw hat boy did what you think he did, he punched the Celestial Dragon unconscious. You gasped at the sight and in your mind, you didn’t even know what to expect. Fights broke out between the Strawhats Crew and the guards, you sighed. 

The guards wasn’t doing a good job fighting back the pirates, they fall down one by one. You glanced around the room again, Eutass Kid and Trafalgar Law was still here. You look up at the stage and saw a Celestial Dragon woman pointing gun at the mermaid with anger written on her face. Everyone else also freeze, they knew they couldn’t make it in time. Suddenly, a ripped appeared on the back of the stage, an old man walked out. The old man examined the room and uses his conqueror haki, making every guards and Celestial Dragon fell unconscious. The old man said something to the straw hat boy, as if you can remember; his name is Monkey D. Luffy. You sighed and walked out the door when you was stopped by Eutass Kid, he screamed out “Marine soldiers are outside, are you going to hog the fun all to yourself. Titania?” Everyone eyes were on you, “either way I still have to fight my way out.” you glared at Eutass Kid. “Oh no no no. You’re not hogging all the fun today, Titania.” Eutass Kid chuckled to himself. “You shouldn’t do that, Titania.” Trafalgar Law smile. “Not fair!! Titaniki” Luffy yelled out from afar. You ignore the three of them and continue your way out when the three of them ran as fast as they can to catch up to you. When they did, they yelled in unison “DON’T IGNORE US AND HOG ALL THE FUN!!” Then they somehow started to argue among themselves, “a weird bunch” you thought to yourself. Akira was next to you, enjoying the show.

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