Part 4

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“Titania, what happened to you?” Trafalgar Law asked you with his eye widened in shock. With no time to waste, you yelled “Is there a doctor in your crew? I need someone to heal Akira now, he been injured deeply.” Tears began to trickle down your cheek, you couldn’t hold them back anymore. “I’m the doctor.” Law said to you. “Thank goodness, I can repay you back if you could heal Akira.” you shouted again. Law sighed and gave out order to his crew “take the wolf to the infirmary in our ship, he bleeding badly. Cure him afterward.” Law’s crew quickly move and carried Akira toward their ship. You felt a feeling of relieved but then realized that you’re also injured badly, much heavier than Akira. “I believed you also need my help, Titania.” Law smirked. Somehow, your bleeding wouldn’t stop and the blood had already stained the grass around you. “Could you stand up?” Law asked you. You tried to stand up but fall back down immediately afterward, Law laughed at your clumsy attempt. Law then scooped you up by the waist and carried you bridal style, you could actually feel the blood staining his hoodie but he look like he didn’t care.

Law carried onto the yellow submarine and took note of the place. He put you down in a room that look like to be a bedroom, the place is really neat. “Shouldn’t you be dropping me at the infirmary?” you asked him. He replied back at you “the infirmary is already use in order to treat your wolf, my crew is doing it right now. You’re in a much heavier condition than he is, I’m surprise you didn’t die from blood loss considering you’re still bleeding. You even make a trail of blood.” You stare at Law while he taking out his medical equipments, he beginning to pique your interest. After getting the equipments, Law move next to you and did a quick medical checkup to see if there is any other health problems beside blood loss. Law quickly bandaged and tended your wounds, you felt the will to live once again. “So how do you want me to repay you?” you asked while Law fixed himself up with some bandages. Before Law could say anything, footsteps rang the hallway. “Captain, the wolf condition has been stable.” a member from Law’s crew said. You was too happy and ran over to hug Law, you locked your arm around him and tears of joy ran down your cheek. You let go as soon as you realized what you’re doing and asked Law “so how can I repay you?” 

Law smirked and said “let talk about that during dinner, it getting late.” You stare at him, “I don’t want to intrude.” Law look at you and replied back “it fine, we need to talk over anyway.” You nodded and walked with him to the dining room, everything was ready. The other crew members starts to assemble onto the dining room and took their seat, you could see glances from people around. You didn’t see Akira so you’re guessing he’s probably still resting in the infirmary. You took a seat across from Law, he glance at you and look away after 10 seconds. Everyone finally sit down and for the first 10 minutes, you all eat in silences. You finished your meal first and asked “how can I repay you?” All eyes averted to Law. Law smirked and stare into your (e/c) eye and said “I want you to become mine and mine alone.”

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