Part 11

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The two of you are finally here, you gasped at the island in front of you. The whole island was like heaven, flowers and green trees are everywhere. You turned to Law and he gave you a smirked. You turned back and observed the island more closely. There was a small town with a docking station, that where the ship going to be. You was staring at the island intently until there was a sound of shuffling feet behind you. You glanced back and saw Hikari with a darkened face, you averted your eyes back when she caught you staring at her. The ship docked and you walked off the ship, Law walked down after you. Law grabbed your hand and weaved it around, the two of you hold hands as you look around in wonders. Law and you approached the entrance of the small town, a group of people filed out and welcomed the both of you. The group of people said the name of this island is “Ongoku Tengaku” or “Music Heaven”, the place where music is everywhere. You and Law walked through the town, music performances were everywhere. People sings and plays instrument of many kinds, a smile appeared on your lips. You then turned to Law and asked “where are we going?” Law glanced at you and gave you a small peck on the forehead and said “somewhere…” You grumbled at the answer. Law lead you away from the town, this make you felt even more anxious. The both of you walked until the both of you saw a giant hill ahead, you somehow have a urge to ran up there to see what there. Law hold your hand and guided you up the hill. You gasped when the both finally made it to the top of the hill, everything was beautiful. A slow stream of water moves across a hill that covers in flowers, birds and butterfly fluttered around the wildflowers of the hills. You immediately broke free from Law’s hand and ran toward the beautiful sight which makes you curious inside.  

Law POV~~
I watch as (y/n) ran toward the beautiful landscape with a curious face. That beautiful hair that flies along with the ocean breeze, those eyes that shine like diamonds glimmer with new wonders, but what I was truly fascinated was a smile she was wearing right now. I have never heard her laugh, but I have seen her smile many times. I only wish what is best for (y/n), she had already done so much for me. I want (y/n) to laugh, I want to be the one that will cure her past. Who care if she’s a half demon-half angel, she more than that. I walked toward a tree and sat down with a book in hand, I opened the book and began reading. Every two minutes of reading, I would found myself looking at her with gleaming eyes. I couldn’t help afford a smile, I was more than happy that the girl in front of me belongs to me and me only. I knew I couldn’t read like this, so I began to fell asleep. A voice of a maiden somehow vibrated through my sleep, waking me up. I averted my eyes to (y/n), who was dancing and singing, those elegant movement and voice mesmerizes me. I couldn’t take my eyes off her, the people voices in town is nothing compare to (y/n). Suddenly, (y/n) stopped singing and look at me, giving me a bright smile. I stood up and walked toward her, she continues to stare at me with those diamond eyes. I found myself hugging her tightly, puzzlement appeared on her face. I let go and shift her so she was facing me face-to-face. I then asked her in a gentle voice “do you love me, (y/n)?” (y/n)’s eyes stare into mine as a beautiful smile set on her lips, she replied to me “I will forever love you, my captain.” A smile spreaded on my face. That was the only answer I need, nothing else. I caressed her soft cheek and put my lips onto her. She close her eyes and quickly return it back. (y/n) is the sun in my heart, I knew I was also a her heart. This love between me and her is forever, and no one can interfere it ….  no one ....

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