Part 8

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You woke up with a heavy headache, Akira was next to you still sleeping peacefully. You whispered “thank you” to him and walked out of the submarine to get fresh air. In your way, you saw Hikari lying on Law’s lap, the both of them were sleeping. You grunted and stretched while looking at the sun rise beautifully in the horizon, you love this scene. You sat down, feeling the gentle breeze rushing past your (h/c) hair. Suddenly, Akira came out of nowhere and licked you on the face. You hugged him tightly and kissed him on the forehead, Akira wagged his tail in happiness. You and Akira sat there for a long time, looking out into the blue sea. You then sang a song that your mother taught you when you were little. Akira perked his ears up and listened to the beautiful melody of the song that you’re singing, Akira wagged his tail again. 

You went back in, ignoring everything around you. You could feel shivers from Hikari and slightly smirked “such a weak woman, no wonder people picked on her often.” You walked back to your room and didn’t eat anything for the whole day since you didn’t feel like eating. It was 7:30 P.M and you had decided your last decision to leave this crew, there nothing left for you to do here. “Let’s go, Akira. We’re leaving this crew, we have our own goal to accomplish instead of slacking off here.” you said as you packed everything up in one single bag. You put on your cloak and walked out along with Akira next to you. You stopped by the living room and the crew members look turned to look at you. You then said with a serious tone “I’m leaving this crew.” Law stares at you and replied “I didn’t give you permission to leave, Titania.” You glare “I have my own goal to do, why can’t you just make Hikari your lover now? You and she are close.” Law stood up and came closer to you “you still owns me a debt, Titania.” You stood there, glaring again “I told you, I have business to take care of. I’ll be back with 500,000,000 beri at a later time to repay you.” Law then slammed you onto the wall “that’s not what I need from you, you can’t leave until I tell you to.” You stare into his gray eyes “you can go and find that ‘One Piece’ or whatever while I have my own goals to accomplished. Not everyone can live as easy as you, Law.” Law move his face closer to you “what might your goal be?” Your face darkened “if I tell you, would you let me go?” Law clenched his fist and replied “perhaps.” Your eyes begin to turn red, showing him what you about to say is the truth “to destroyed the world’s government.”

Everyone in the room froze and turns to you, surprise at what you just said. You smirked “even if it cost me my life, I will do it.” Law stare into your soul “why would you go that far?” You replied “for revenge. You don’t know what I’ve been through. Excuse me.” You use your speed and freed yourself from Law’s grasp. “Room” you heard Law says as he pushed you down onto the floor, your arm being pinned down by his large hand. “Tell me your past!” Law yelled. “I told you it none of your business, and you don’t have to know!” you yelled back. Law gritted his teeth as he pinned you down harder, making your wrist hurt a little bit. “TELL ME!” Law yelled louder. You bit your lip at his stubbornness and yelled back “I told you it none of yo…” Law smashed his lip onto yours, making you paralyzed for just a second. The crew reaction changes into shock. Hikari face was red as a tomato as she bite her lip to keep herself calm, you knew she was jealous. You struggled a bit but couldn’t win over Law’s strength with your current form, you then use part of your demonic strength and pushed Law back two meters away. You then yelled “why did you do that?” You cupped both of your hands over your face as tears trickled down your cheek, you yelled again “w-why did you kissed me?” Law stood up and walked over, hugging you tightly to comfort you. Law then confessed “I love you, (y/n). It ok now.” You continue to cry, you couldn’t hold back the tears of loneliness and sadness. You never deserve “love” from anyone since you only brought destruction onto them; you were always lonely and have no one since the beginning since they all died long ago. The thing you yearned until now was the purpose to be in this world, you want to be love by someone. You stifled and pulled yourself away, your hand grabbed onto Law’s shoulder as you shouted “I-I don’t deserve ‘love’. I’m a forbidden being that should have never existed.” Law pushed you onto his chest as he said gently “I need you (y/n), I fell in love with you since the first time we met. Be mine once again, (y/n).” Law hugged your more tightly as you cry in his chest, unable to stop those tears that continue to flow down your cheek. Deep inside your heart, you were more than happy that someone finally came to need you in this world.

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