Part 16(Finale)

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The memory of the past engulfed your body and mind, making you see the pain with teary eyes. The pain that was one healed completely, was somehow reopened and ached terribly. You screamed for help, but your voice was stucked as the image of the Celestial Dragon flicked upon your dizzy head. You fell to the bottomless darkness, not so sure what was about to come. The wings of angel and demon had already sprouted from your back, the white feathers broke off and slowly played upon the air of darkness. Just then, your wings began to flapped on its own in the a steady rhythm in the air of darkness. The wings flapped slowly, making you descend lower to the darkness. As it going farther down, your feet touched a hard cold ground with shallow water which goes up to your knees. You slumped down and the water went up to your arm, your eyes drooped down and your (h/c) hair flowed down onto your shoulder lifelessly. Your wings disappeared, everything was so dark. Was this how much you've fallen? Was this the abyss of your past and memories? There was so much to your past that you wanted to kill off, there was so much that you wanted to restart, but.... if I were to restart everything, would I still be able to meet you? Would I still be able to feel your affections and loves? If I were a normal human girl, would there be any differences? Would you love me more if I was that way? Questions was left unanswered as the once strong pirate woman with so much pride was now laying on the cold hard ground of her own past, shivering in the horror of the past.

Small footsteps sounds echoed through the darkness, forcing your eyes to look at the darkness. A figure shone through the darkness, stepping closer to you with each footsteps. The figure stopped in front of you, a sad smile and face looked down at you. "Law." you said quietly. He reached out his hand to you, you eagerly took his hand and stood up. With Law's hand around yours, he lead you into deeper darkness. Your face was dazed out as you asked "Law, where are we going?" Law turned his head and smiled sadly, his eyes showed pain as his hand began to get colder each second. With fewer steps ahead, Law's hand slided away from you. Your eyes widened as you reached out, Law's figure disappeared completely. You were once again left alone in the darkness, you slumped down onto your knees as tears strolled down your cheek again. You whimpered in the dark "Law, don't you leave me too." Just as you finished your sentence, memories once flashed upon your surrounding. The images of you and Law side by side was heartwarming, two faces with happiness and comfort. The images of holding hands to cuddling together in bed was joy, it was the first time you've fallen in love with someone. It was also the first time in which that person returned their feelings to you, it felt like miracles. Law taught you how to soar, to love passionately with someone. Everyone you've made contact with in the past was gone, but something is telling you to protect the man you love with all your heart. You must protect him for all that he've done, it was something that you decided. You stood up and your eyes glowed red, wings spread out. With a lift off from a bend of a knee, you soared through the darkness. The bright shining lights shone, showing you the exit out of all of this. You could felt the darkness tugging on your body but with the last strong flap of the wing, you were out onto the bright light. Everything went back to reality....

Your eyes fluttered open, facing Law's worried face. Just as Law saw your eyes fluttered open, he immediately pressed you against his chest. You hugged him back as you looked around the room, Akihiko was out cold on the floor with parts of his body scattered everywhere. You smiled gently as you whispered "I'm fine, it was just a nightmare he sent me into." Law replied with a hush voice "I was scared, seeing you screamed in fear was enough for my heart to tear. But now, seeing you smiled as your eyes fluttered open was my happiness." You pulled away from Law and the both of you kissed, a long and passionate kiss filled with love for each other. Afterward, you and Law walked back to the submarine. There was a long journey ahead with many things to overcome, but it was fine as long as the both of you have each other. Law was your shining armour knight and he will always be, as he was the one who cure your past.... You could see that he wouldn't care if you were different than you were now, it was fine as long as you were yourself. 

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