Part 6

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You woke up Law’s arm, he was wrapping around you all night. You set yourself free from those arm and walked inside the submarine and take a look at the clock, it’s now 7:30 A.M. You stretched yourself and went to your room; Akira was asleep on your bed, snoring away. You grabbed our book and silently walked out, not wanting to disturbed other crew members. You place yourself next to Law and read silently read. After 30 minutes, you heard Law yawned sleepily and asked “what time is it?” You turned to him and smile then said “it 8 in the morning.” Law turned to you and smirked “yesterday night was romantic, becoming my lover isn’t that bad, isn’t it?” You blushed and close your book, then said to him “I’ll think about that.” Shachi and Penguin then ran out and, huffing and yelled “captain! We have bad news!” Penguin then tossed the newspaper and Law catched it in one hand. You scooted closer to him and read the huge title “Titania escaped from Marine admiral Kizaru.” You continued to read “Titania successfully escaped from the admiral and had been severely injured. Some people had witnessed her turning into a half angel-half demon but were down when the admiral threw a paper seal. Titania then escaped with her white wolf and disappeared after, she wasn’t found back at her ship nor anywhere in the island. Titania’s bounty had also risen highly; the government can’t seem to let her go chaos again after what happened in Sabaody Archipelago.” Law turned to the next pages of the newspaper and several Wanted posters came sliding down the page. The two of you flipped through them and found yourself along with Law, Law’s bounty rises to 250,000,000 beri while yours was higher than any others Supernovas with a bounty of 450,000,000 beri. “Seems like the government aiming on you the most now.” Law said casually. You turned away and coldly said “It not like I care, they government always been desperate for my head anyway.”

Law grabbed your hand and pulled you closer to his chest “even if your bounty rises every day, I’m not letting the government touches you. You’re mine and mine alone; I’m beginning to fall in love with you.” You blushed profusely and almost yelled at Law “what are you talking about? I’m not falling in love with you one bit.” Law smirked and replied “hmm…why are you blushing then?” You turned to him and stuttered “you’re i-imagining things again! Let go eat breakfast.” You and Law then get up and walked side by side to the dining room and sat down in your usual seat, eating what on the table readied for the two of you. After breakfast, you went to your room and read until noon when you heard Sachi yelled “we’re here, Captain!” You put your book away and walked with Akira out of the submarine to look at the island. The submarine docked and Law immediately assigned jobs to each of the crew members, Akira have to stay behind to guard the ship with some of the others. You however, have to accompany Law to buy supplies and new books. As the two walking through the town, murmurs, whispers, and stare are all around. You could see that your beauty had attracted people again while some whispers “that Trafalgar Law and Titania, they’re both exceed bounty over 100,000,000 beri, why are they together?” 

~~~~~~~~~~After Buying Supplies and Books~~~~~~~~~~~~

You and Law are in the process of walking back when the two of you heard a shriek in the alley nearby. You and Law ran to the rescue and saw a girl on the ground sobbing while 4 dudes surrounded her, trying to seduce her. You tried to summon your swords but were stop when Law put his arm in front of you, signaling for you to stop and let him handle this. “It not nice to seduced a girl when she just clearly rejected you.” Law yelled. The four guys the turned around with a huge grin on their face “look who’s talking? Want a fight?” The four guys eyes suddenly averted to you and their jaw dropped. “I see a beautiful lady next to you.” one of them said while smirking at Law. Law gave them a glare and said “she not available today.” The four of them laughed “let fight! If we win, she our, but if you win, then you keep her along with that girl over there.” Law sheathed his sword and ended the fight in 3 seconds with the four of them on the ground, unconscious. The girl got up, she wearing a yellow T-shirt and short. She has short hair and a cute smile which should make any guys fell in love with her at first sight. “Thank you for helping me, I appreciated very much.” She smiled at Law and asked again “what’s your name? I’m curious since I never seen someone this strong here around.” Law stares at her and answered “I’m Law and this is (y/n).” The girl gasped in surprise “Trafalgar Law and Titania?” The both of you nodded. Suddenly, she bowed at the both of you and asked loudly “can the both of you help me get off this island please? I’ve being stalked by lots of people today and there people looking for me, forcing me to be their wife.” You turned to Law, looking at him and curious about his answer. “Can’t be help, fine.” Law replied. The girl face shines and she thanked “thank you so much! My name is Mikoto Hikari, but please just called me Hikari.” Law somehow smiled at her, which hurt you a bit in the inside since he never smile at another girl beside you. “Ok Hikari, let get you onboard.” Hikari face blushed deeply and at that time, you knew she had fallen in love with Law just from that moment when he save her. You also knew that she’ll do whatever it take to make Law hers, and her alone.

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