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Cool kids will read this in its entirety.

Hello! Just wanted to touch on a few things before we dive right in.

1.) This is a world / reality that I have created from my imagination. Meaning, some things will not match up with the reality we are currently in. A major one being, Robbie does not exist in the Everything is Green reality. I'm sorry, I know some of you like the drama he creates in other stories, but I personally do not. I don't know the dude, and honestly, he seems like a really cool guy. I don't want to make him the bad guy in any situation because when he is, I start to dislike / think poorly of him in the real world (lol). Which is a shame because his music is dope and like I said, he seems like a genuinely cool / good person. So, he simply does not exist. Guess his parents never met or something, idk.

2.) Piggy backing off that, I want to make this story as realistic as possible. I hate reading stories where everything happens so fast and people say things that would never be said seriously out loud, it makes the story seem unrealistic. So, this is a slow burn type of thing. I don't want there to be any cringe moments unless the characters are purposefully trying to act that way which will clearly be stated. Not saying that there won't be any sappy corny moments because trust me there will be, I just really want you all to feel like in a different world, a different life, this could be you.

3.) This is the first time I've ever written something like this before. I do enjoy writing and I find it to be my favorite way to create and express things that I cannot in my every day like BUT that does not mean I am a professional by any means. This is all just for fun. I may make some mistakes along the way, but Ill always try my best.

4.) I am in college full time and I also work a full time job, so you might have to acquire some patience if you were not lucky enough to be born with that personality trait. I will try my best to be as consistent as possible, but I do be getting sleepy.

5.) I made the book cover on my own. I do think its pretty dope if I say so myself. If you'll notice, there's a "New York Times Bestseller" sticker on it. This is completely, 100%, real. Genuinely authentic. Dean P. Baquet called me up personally to tell me he was in love with me and gave me the sticker as a token of his love. So, respect it.

6.) I honestly have no idea if this will gain any traction or get any reads, so I might be talking to myself right now. But, on the off chance that I am not, hello gremlins and welcome to my world.

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