Chapter 4

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After your encounter with the woman who's name you never learned, you finished making your way around the farmers market. You picked up a few more things to get you by for a few days before you could make it to the actual grocery store. Happy with your purchases, you make your way to your next stop, the DMV.

The DMV is a little bit of a far walk from the farmers market, so you're glad to see that Alex is calling you, this should help pass the time you think to yourself.

"Heyyy Alex, how are you feeling?" you answer your phone.

"Don't ask, I am currently trying to detach my head from my body. I think I can physically see it throbbing" he groans.

"Well it sounds like you had fun, I promise I'll go out with you next time" you respond.

"You better, I haven't seen you in forever, plus I need you to use some of that southern charm to get us free drinks like you used to" he laughs into the phone.

    You think about the times you used to go out with Alex. You were obviously not interested in the men who would constantly hit on you but, a free drink is a free drink. At least that's what Alex used to say when you would leave the men at the bar after successfully swindling a free vodka red bull. You think Alex probably drank more of the free drinks than you did, it got to the point where he would point out the men eyeing you and whisper in your ear, "I'm thirsty." It was your little insider game, and to be honest, you missed it too.

"Yeah yeah yeah, I'm not sure that would work out here. I'm sure the men here are a little bit more cultured than the ones back home" you respond lightly joking.

"Well we still need to put it to the test. Anyways, make it up to me by going to lunch with me later. I'm pretty sure my stomach is still 90% alcohol and I'm sure it would appreciate some substance" he says.

"Lunch? What time? I still need to go to the DMV and I need to get some new towels somewhere before 5 so I can take a nap before work" you respond.

"New towels? A nap? What're you like 100? Just steal them from hotels like the rest of us. Come on we can go in like an hour, I know a really good place. My treat" he says convincingly.

    You look at your watch, its already 2:00, meaning you'd have lunch at 3. You know Alex loves to talk and the fact that you haven't seen him in years will only make it that much worse. You'd be lucky to get out of the restaurant by 5, then you'd have to walk all the way home, pretty much meaning your lunch plans will be a substitution for your nap.

    You hate the idea that you'll be working all night long, running on very little sleep, but the idea of seeing and catching up with Alex is making it hard to say no. Before you can realize the silence you created, Alex speaks up,

"Hellooooo, lunch? Don't ditch me again I'll have to find another partner in our free drink heists" he says with a laugh

"First of all, no one does it better than me, and second, yes to lunch. Meet me there at 3, and send me the address. I'm gotta go I'm walking up to the DMV now" you answer.

"Finally!! Back together again. But okay, ill send you the place right now and ill see you at 3:00" he says excitedly.

    You say your goodbyes, hang up the phone and walk inside the DMV. Thankfully, the line isn't unbearable, so you grab a number and sit down to wait for your turn. To pass the time before your number is called, you pull out your phone, quickly realizing that was a mistake.

    While you were on the phone with Alex, you received more text messages from none other than Audrey. From keeping yourself busy with your errands, having the exciting encounter with the nameless woman at the farmers market, and making lunch plans with Alex, your brain was too preoccupied to think about the situation with Audrey.

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