Chapter 17

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"What'd you say?" You say softly, wanting her to repeat herself so you know you heard her correctly. You use both of your hands to lift her face away from your stomach and tilt her head back so you can look into her eyes.

"Nothing, I — uh, I don't know Y/N. Why didn't you tell me? I feel so stupid. Why are you doing this? You kissed me. What if your wife finds out? What if she comes through the door right now?" Lizzie says, nervously rambling as if she just noticed the position she has put herself in.

"Lizzie look, I want nothing more than to explain everything to you, but it's a conversation I want to have when you're sober. I know I hurt you and you're upset with me, but I promise you it'll all make sense. I'm sorry for making you feel stupid, but you're not. You have every right to feel whatever you feel, but please just let me explain in the morning and I promise you will be okay, we will be okay. You don't have to worry about her, believe me." you say, squatting down between her legs and rubbing your thumb across her cheek in attempt to make her feel better.

    Lizzie doesn't respond, she just moves forward slightly to rest her forehead on your own. The two of you sit like this for a while, just taking in each other's presence. You feel calm, secure even. You know she cares about you, you just hope it's enough to stick around once you tell her everything.

"I'm tired" Lizzie says, breaking the silence and lifting her face away from yours.

"Okay I'll go get you some water and ibuprofen so it can work its magic while you sleep" you state as you stand up from your squatting position and give her a small kiss on her forehead.

    When you return from the kitchen with the glass of water and medicine, Lizzie is already tucked into bed and looks rather comfortable. You offer her a smile and flick your head up quickly to signal her to lean up to take the pills, to which she does. You put the two red pills into her mouth then follow it with the glass of water. You hold the back of her head so she doesn't have to strain to keep it up. Once she swallows, you place the cup on your nightstand and sit down on the bed next to her.

"That shirt looks good on you" you say with a smile on your face.

"I know, I think I'm going to keep it" she says as she looks down, playing with the fabric of the shirt.

"Only if you give me one of yours in return, deal?" You ask playfully.

"Deal" she responds now offering you a sweet smile.

"Goodnight green eyes" you say as you lean down to give her another kiss on her forehead.

"Goodnight blue eyes" Lizzie responds.

    With that, you stand up and make your way to the couch. Lizzie is still drunk and you don't want to disrespect her boundaries or make her feel uncomfortable when she wakes up sober and sees you laying next to her, so you stand by your choice of taking the couch. It's the safest bet.

    You try to get comfortable but you're stating to regret not spending the extra money for a bigger blanket, as your feet are hanging out of the bottom of this one. As you lay there, staring into the pitch black void surrounding you, you start to reminisce on the past couple of hours. Lizzie called you of all people when she was drunk, she let you of all people come pick her up and take her home, she is sleeping in your bed right now, wearing your favorite old t-shirt with your name on the back. What a moment you never thought you'd experience. You're brought out of your thoughts by a sudden weight being added to your chest. You were too distracted by your thoughts to hear her feet shuffling across the floor.

    Lizzie doesn't say a word, instead she slides under your blanket and makes herself comfortable on top of you. She wraps her arms around you and rests her head on your chest. You instinctually wrap both arms around her and give her a tight squeeze.

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