Chapter 16

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"Okay, first I just want to stay that I'm so sor—" Audrey tries to say

"No, don't get the wrong idea Audrey. I'm not calling you to make amends or let you manipulate me back into whatever you're hoping for. I need this to be done, I need you to sign the papers" you say, cutting her off.

"You're not even going to hear me out? I've waited for you to be ready and you're not even going to let me get a word out?" She asks

"No, I really don't want to hear, or care about what you have to say. I'm not sure what you're expecting to come from this but I can promise you that nothing you could possibly say could ever fix the damage you caused" you spit out, getting slightly annoyed she's being so oblivious to her own actions.

"Can you at least tell me where you went? What you're doing? Are you okay?" She asks, desperate for information.

"Audrey please. All of those questions hold answers that you really don't have the right to know anymore. I'm fine. Now like I said, I need you to sign those papers" you respond as monotone as possible.

"If you want me to sign the papers Y/N, you're going to have to come back from where ever you are and sit down and have a conversation with me. If you still want me to sign them after that, I'll do it right in front of you" Audrey replies.

"What? Are you insane? I'm not coming back—" you try to get out before you're cut off, shocked that she would even suggest such a thing.

"That's what its going to take Y/N" she interjects.

    You take a moment to think about what she just said. The only way she will sign the papers is if you go all the way back to your hometown, meet her in person, and have a conversation with her. Something you have been trying to avoid for 6 months now. You think about immediately shutting her down, refusing her stipulation but, Lizzie crosses your mind. If this is what it's going to take, it's worth it. It's worth it because in your mind, you're doing it for her.

"So you're saying if I meet you in person and talk to you, you'll sign the papers and give them to me, right then and there?" you ask, making sure you're hearing her right.

"Yes, if that's what you want" she confirms.

"It's what I want most in the entire world Audrey. I'll check with work and see if I can get a few days off. I'll text you when I'm coming" you spit out, getting annoyed at her suggestive comments that you're just going to magically change your mind.

"Okay, I'll make sure—" Audrey starts to say.

    You don't even let her finish whatever she was going to say. You've had enough of her voice for the day. You hang up the phone.

    It will be good to see your family. It hasn't been long, but you've never been this far away from them. You're so used to seeing them everyday, it's inevitable that you're going to miss them, no matter the duration. You decide not to tell your mom you're coming, it will be fun to surprise her. After all, if you are being forced to see Audrey, you're going to need some type of fun.

    You feel accomplished for completing your very small to-do list for the day. It only had two tasks on it, but they were rather daunting tasks. You check your phone in hopes that Lizzie might've texted while you were on the call. No such luck. You start to wonder if this is going to last forever, if she's gone for good.

    You have so much on your plate right now you just want one thing to figure itself out so you don't have to. You're waiting to hear back about the part you auditioned for, you're waiting for Lizzie to talk to you, and now, you've added more Audrey drama to your plate. You decide to go lay down and take a nap. You figure its better than thinking of all the things causing you stress and risking throwing yourself into a panic attack. Plus, you didn't get much sleep last night so it'll be good for you to catch up on some of that now.

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