Chapter 29

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Your shoes are cemented to the tile resting beneath them as you stand in the doorway of 624. You try to think of something to say or do, but it becomes obvious you can't force your body or mind to do either. It's as if your brain has completely shut off, you feel outside of your body, like any future movement wouldn't be the decision of your own. Your vision becomes blurred, your mouth becomes dry, and you swear the temperature just rose 20 degrees in a split second.

Just as you accept the fact that you're probably about to pass out, you feel Lizzies soft hand on your lower back. Your feet, not communicating with any other part of your body, takes that as a sign to move forward. You slowly step into the room. Audrey nervously raises herself up in the bed, using her arms to prop herself up on the pillows stacked behind her.

You snap back to reality when you feel Lizzies hand slide into your back pocket. You wonder if she knows how much you like when she does that. You take the newfound comfort as an opportunity to look around the room. You see Caleb slouched back in a small chair in the corner, seeming lost in some YouTube video on his phone. You spot a whiteboard on the wall, choosing to quickly read its contents.

"Audrey Y/L/N

DOB: 09/24/1994

BP: 120/80

Nurse: Jackie

Due date: 04/05/2018

Dilation: 4cm"

Well, that confirms Audrey is in fact pregnant and what you hoped was just a giant noncancerous tumor is in fact a baby. You look back at her, still not speaking. You can tell she wants you to say something, so she doesn't have to be the one to break the silence in front of everyone, somehow damaging her ego. You don't give her the satisfaction.

Much to your surprise, Lizzie is the one who speaks first. She takes her hand from your pocket, taking the comfort it brought with it, and takes a few steps towards Audrey with her hand outstretched.

"Hi — I'm Lizzie, I —" she starts, only to be cut off by a voice you've heard too much of already.

"I know who you are." Audrey replies bluntly. Lizzie immediately retracts her outstretched hand and shyly stuffs them into her front pockets, backing out of the way.

This blatant sign of disrespect pulls you out of your trance once more and gives you the urge to snap back.

"Can you not be a raging bitch for 5 seconds?" You spit out.

"Me a raging bitch?! Are you not aware of the way you have treated me for the past 6 months?" Audrey responds, matching your tone.

"The way I treated you?! Are you out of your mind?! I have been—" you shout back, louder than you anticipated.

You guess the sound of a fresh argument has pulled Caleb out of his YouTube induced coma as he chimes in, cutting you off. You notice he's now standing next to Audrey, you wonder when he got up, and why you never noticed.

"Hey hey hey — all this yelling isn't good for the baby" he says.

"Why are you still here?" You ask in a tone that would make anyone feel stupid.

"Okay... I'm going to go down to the cafeteria and get something to eat" Caleb responds with both of his hands up, accepting defeat. He leans down to kiss Audrey on the forehead. Surprisingly, you both recoil. Guess she feels the same way about him as she felt about you 6 months ago. That was fast.

You both wait until he is gone before continuing the conversation. Once he's out of sight, Audrey speaks up.

"Y/N, I just want to talk. Please, I've been looking forward to this since you told me you were coming" she says with a hopeful tone in your voice.

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