Chapter 14

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    Soon after your rash decision to kiss Lizzie again, you started to feel regret swell in your stomach. All you wanted to do in that moment was kiss her, causing you to forget all the reasons you shouldn't. You were irrational and impulsive. You don't want to get either of your hopes up. For all you know, Audrey may never agree to sign the divorce papers and you might be stuck fighting that battle for far longer than you ever wanted to. You can't start something with Lizzie without ending everything with Audrey. Something you thought was done a long time ago, is now resurfacing itself in such an ugly way.

    After your impromptu kiss, the both of you lay on the couch comfortably as the movie finishes. When the credits roll, you move to sit up and grab the remote so you can turn it off, but Lizzie stops you by grabbing your outreached arm.

"What's wrong?" You say, rather confused.

"You can't turn it off yet, there's always a post credits scene that gives you little hints for the next movie" she explains, pulling your arm away from the remote and moving her hand down it to grab your hand, pulling it into her chest as she rests her head on your chest again.

    Butterflies fill your stomach once again. Stop it. You need to stop it. Pull it together. You cannot let yourself fall like this yet. You have too many problems to deal with right now. But her hands. God, her tiny little hands. They're so small compared to yours. She moves her other hand to join in on holding yours. Both of her hands fit into your one. They rub at your knuckles and sometimes glide across the tips of your fingernails. As if holding back wasn't hard enough before, it's getting almost excruciatingly painful watching her focus all of her attention onto such a minimal body part of yours.

    As you two lay and watch the hundreds of names scrolling on the screen, waiting for the last scene to play, your thoughts are focused on how you're going to go about ending the drama with Audrey. Or, worst case scenario, how you're going to tell Lizzie. One or the other needs to be done, honestly probably both. You make a mental note to call Audrey after your audition tomorrow, to finally figure out a way to get her out of your life, for good this time. You want nothing more than to be able to fall completely, hopelessly in love with Lizzie, but you can't yet. You make it a point to not take no for an answer, you are getting those papers signed tomorrow. End of story. Lizzie's voice pulls you out of concentration.

"The Infinity War premiere is coming up" she says nonchalantly, still resting her head on your chest fiddling with your fingers. Is she nervous?

"Oh really? That should be fun for you, when is it?" You ask.

"April 23rd. I don't know if I'll have that much fun. I always get so nervous for those kind of things. You have to dress up and I never feel like I look good enough. There's so many cameras and people yelling at me to look this way or that way or raise my chin or to turn to the side. Plus all the press I have to talk to. I never know what to say since we can't really say anything without risking getting literally fired, so I always feel awkward. Everyone else in the cast usually brings their boyfriend or girlfriend or husband or wife, so they have someone to calm them down if they need it, but I don't have one of those" she rambles out, turning her head so her chin now rests on your sternum, looking into your eyes.

"I didn't know those things were bring a date kind of things. I'm sure you'll do fine Lizzie, don't worry too much. You would look beautiful in a garbage bag for a dress. They all love you from what I've heard so I'm sure you just showing up will be enough for them" you say, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, trying to make her feel better.

"I guess— hey, crazy idea, but what if you went with me? As my date?" Lizzie says with a glimmer in her eye, almost as if she's trying to convince you telepathically.

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