Chapter 27

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    You wake up bright an early to the sound of your alarm. The small windows in your room covered by sheer curtains are allowing just enough light in to be able to see the empty space next to you. You roll over to check your phone to see if you missed any calls while you were sleeping. To be honest, you were still holding on to a small ounce of hope that the casting director would call. But it doesn't come as a surprise to see that they had not. You didn't get the part.

    You roll over on to your stomach, spread your arms straight out to either side of the bed, and stuff your face into the crack of your pillows. You're more than disappointed, a feeling of sadness and dread wash over you. You're going to have to face the most important people in your life and tell them you failed. You want to hide your face in your pillows forever, the sheer embarrassment you're undoubtedly going to feel very soon is daunting. You can only hope Lizzie doesn't take this as bad fortune, ultimately deciding dating a nobody is probably bad for her image, and leave you. Where is she anyway?

    You force yourself to sit up. You sling your legs over the side of the bed and cup your face in your hands. You rub your eyes and try to tame your bed head as best as possible. You take a deep breath before standing up to make your way upstairs.

    When you reach the top of the stairs, you hear your mom, dad, and Lizzie in a fit of laughter. Before opening the door, exposing your presence, you slowly move your ear closer to listen.

"She's got more scars that I can count. I'm sure she's told you about that time them chickens done chased her through the fence. Momma over here 'bout had a heart attack when she saw Y/N's neck after that one" your dad says, chuckling at the memory.

"Yeah I've seen that one, what else does she have?" Lizzie asks your dad.

"Let me see here, oh— when she was 10 she got a little too close for comfort with one of them old bulls her Papa had. That thing up and kicked her right in the back, got a nice gash out of that one. That same year she was climbing around the shed, got her leg caught on some sheet metal we had for the roof, tore straight through to the bone." your dad says.

"Tell her about when she ran into the tree" your mom adds on.

"Oh yeah. Ha— that's a funny one. We got Y/N and her brother a little dirt bike one year for Christmas. Y/N was driving and Logan was on the back, he told her to go faster and when she did, guess she lost control and drove them both straight into a tree. Knocked Logans front tooth out, found it later stuck in the back of Y/N's head" your dad says, full on laughing now.

    You decide to finally join the conversation. You open the door and walk towards the kitchen. You go unnoticed at first until you decide to add in on the fun they're having.

"Don't forget the time Logan shot me with a BB gun, dad had to dig it out with tweezers" you say, lifting your shirt to show the pinpoint scar on your rib cage.

    You lower your shirt and make your way over to where Lizzie is sitting, you simply lean down and give her a kiss on the top of the head before making your way over to where your mom is cooking. She hands you a plate and gives you a look only a mother knows how to produce.

"Did you uh—" you start to say.

"No, but if you ever raise your voice at her like that again, I'll do a lot worse than over salt your eggs" your mom says sternly.

"Yes ma'am" you respond quietly.

    You make your way back over to the table where your dad and Lizzie are sitting. You set your plate down and take a seat next to Lizzie. She's lost in conversation with your dad so you just focus on the food in front of you. When you realize you have no appetite, every feeling you have hits you all at once. You feel sad your mom is angry with you, you feel disappointed with yourself that you didn't get the part, and you feel guilty for losing control of your emotions in such a way that you did last night.

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