Chapter 9

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    After you sent the picture last night, you put your phone on it's charger, took off your pants, and threw yourself into bed. Your exhaustion getting the better of you finally, slipping into a deep sleep as soon as your eyes closed. You couldn't be bothered enough to set an alarm, so when you woke up at almost noon, you let out a long sigh. Partial to feeling refreshed from the night prior, but also because you've already wasted away half of a perfectly good Sunday.

    You could only enjoy the warmth of your blankets and the crisp air from the plants surrounding you while you were coming out of your sleepy state for only about 30 seconds. When you remembered the picture you sent last night, and the probable response already waiting for you, your eyes shot open and you sat straight up. You turn your head to locate your phone resting on the charger on your nightstand. Hesitant to pick it up, you just stare at it.    

    What if she didn't reply? What if having your shirt completely off was actually too much? What if you scared her off already by being too forward in your choice of photo? All of these thoughts run through your head as you stare at your phone, contemplating on if you should check it or not. You decide to delay the inevitable for right now and get in the shower instead, your nerves getting the better of you this time.

    After your shower, you lazily throw a towel around you and run your fingers through your hair, trying to shake out as much water as you can. It will dry naturally pretty wavy, so thankfully for you, you never have to give it much attention. As you are finishing up in the bathroom, you hear your phone ringing in the distance. You figure it's just your mom calling to check in on you, you'll call her back later. When your phone stops ringing and then immediately starts again, you get worried maybe something happened. You rush out of the bathroom, towel still wrapped around your body, and make your way to answer the phone.

    When you finally make it to your phone and pick it up, you realize it is not your mother calling, but the unknown number from last night FaceTiming you again. You decide to answer it.

"Hel—" you start to say but are immediately cut off.

"Oh my god don't do that! I thought something happened to you. I've been texting and calling you all morning— wait are you naked?" the green eyed woman says, a relieved tone present in her voice that quickly turns to surprise as the last sentence leaves her lips. You start to laugh at her obvious concern for you. You hadn't realized the camera stopped right where your towel started, covering your breasts. All she could see was your wet head and exposed chest.

"I'm sorry, I didn't get to bed until almost 5am and only woke up like 30 minutes ago. And no, I have a towel on goof. I took a shower before I checked my phone, so I didn't see any of your texts" you say, still laughing, showing her the towel you're wrapped in.

    As you were giving your explanation and apologies, you were simultaneously going to the message thread you had with her to read the texts she sent you.

Attachment: Image 4:37am
Your turn 4:37am

Wow 7:31am
You've exceeded my expectations blue eyes 7:31am
They're beautiful 7:31am
My name is Elizabeth 7:32am

Missed call from Unknown 8:12am

What you don't like my name? 8:30am
:( 9:07am

Missed call from Unknown 9:36am

Are you alive? 9:49am
Okay I'm actually worried now 10:28am

Missed call from Unknown 10:54am
Missed call from Unknown 11:39am
Incoming call from Unknown accepted 11:40am

    Reading her messages makes you smile like an idiot as you finish your statement. She finally told you her name. On top of that, she likes your tattoos, calling them beautiful even. Elizabeth notices your huge grin mid sentence, causing her to bring it to your attention.

"It's okay, I just thought— wait why are you smiling like that?" She asks.

"I know your name now, Miss. Elizabeth. I have to say, that is much more fitting than what I made up in my head" you respond teasingly, with a cheeky smile and a wink.

"I'm not even going to ask. I'm a woman of my word what can I say. Now that you know mine, tell me yours" she says, referring to your name.

"You really think I'm going to let you off that easy? After what I had to go through to get yours? Plus, you only told me the E, I still don't know what C.O stands for" you respond.

"Okay fair enough. How about this, I'll make you another deal. You tell me your name and I'll show you the rest of mine" Elizabeth says.

"Show me? What do you mean sho—" you start to say, rather confused.

"Just tell me. It'll all make sense I promise" she says, cutting you off.

"Fine, my name is Y/N. But you're not getting the rest until you show me the rest of yours" you give in.

"Y/N. I like that. You look like a Y/N. I think I'm still going to call you blue eyes though" she says, giving you a soft smile.

"Fine by me. But your turn to keep up your end of the deal. Show me" you request.

"I can't show you now, but I'm going to text you an address. Meet me there in an hour okay?" She responds.

"Okay— wait you're not luring me to an abandoned warehouse to kill me are you?" You say teasingly.

"Maybe, now get dressed. Ill see you in an hour, bye blue eyes" she says as she gives you a cheeky wink.

"See you in an hour, bye Elizabeth" You respond, hanging up the phone.

    You throw your phone behind you, lay back on the bed, and cup your face in your hands. You can't help but smile from ear to ear thinking you're going to see her again in an hour. You haven't felt a happiness this intense in so many years you almost forgot what it felt like. You still have a pit of fear in your stomach, like everything you do will be met with impending doom. You don't want to get your hopes up, you only met her yesterday and you don't know her intentions yet. You don't want to feel the pain of your feelings not being reciprocated again. You try to suppress your obvious admiration for Elizabeth, but it's so damn hard when she is the way that she is.

    You hear your phone start to ring again. Thinking it is Elizabeth calling you back to give you the address, you blindly answer it without looking who it is.

"I thought you were going to text me the address Miss. Elizabeth" You say, answering the voice call excitedly with a smile.

"Who's Elizabeth?"

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