chapter 10

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"Open the door immediately!" He shouted loudly and pounded on it. "I do not want to see you." I called back and lay crouched on my bed. "Then let's talk like that." He replies and I sigh in annoyance. "I don't want to hear you either." I shout Naughty and turn in the other direction. "You know I'll break in the door." He threatens whereupon I could only roll my eyes. "Have lots of fun with it." I mumble softly so that he doesn't hear it and pull the blanket over my shoulders, even if it was way too warm for that.

For a few small minutes you actually didn't hear anything from him, but it seemed more as if he had only got help from Florille, who, oddly enough, spoke to him. "Reyanna, we are at war and have ... have a rude ugly troll living with us. I didn't mean to burden you with that too." She spoke to me gently, but Ben cut her off. "First of all, you shouldn't expect any more war here. You have been defeated, and besides, I'm not that ugly." He said and I had to smile slightly for a moment.

"Leave me alone, I will surely step out of my room later." I call and bury my face in my pillow. All you could hear was the creaking of the wood, they finally left me in peace. But now I felt even more lonely. I wanted to have someone around me, but that would only end in discussions anyway.

"I think I'm going to sleep slowly too." Ben mumbles like it's addressed to Florille. "I don't really care." But she only puffs up after which you can hear her footsteps trudging down the stairs. I was so mad at both of them, but mostly at Florille. Now I just didn't want to stay here any longer, but I didn't have another place to sleep either.

I got up quickly and rushed to the door. I didn't want to keep the comment to myself for a little longer. "You always wanted grandchildren!" I call down the stairs and start crying again. It hurt so much now that I knew how compulsively I tried to convince myself that we love each other. I should have known from the start how wrong this relationship was. But instead of that she came up the stairs angry to give me a contradiction, Ben suddenly stands in front of me. "Rey." He covers my cheeks but I pull his hands away from me. "you know she mustn't see us." I mumble and he stands up straight. "I wasn't authorized to tell you." He explains and I just nod while looking at the ground. "I know I should have noticed first that something was wrong there. After all, I was married to him." I say quietly, but nothing came from him for a moment. He just watched me silently as I tried pitifully to suppress my feelings.

"I better go to sleep." I turn and wanted to close the door, but he held it open with one hand. He just looked at me in silence whereupon I rolled my eyes. "What is it, Lieutenant?" I give of myself provocatively and he straightens up and looks away from me. "Nothing, it was nothing." He turns slowly and I finally close the door.

Of course, it should have come from me first, Florille too has been acting stranger since he was here. I lean against the closed door and sigh heavily. I couldn't fall for this handsome tall man again. But he smelled so good too. But instantly this melody rang out again, just as he played it almost every evening. I just couldn't resist it any longer, but which woman would?

Through a slit in the door I saw him sitting there and playing.  At this moment he did not seem to be distracted by anything. I really shouldn't do this, but I wanted to. Besides, that wouldn't automatically mean that I forgive him, so maybe it's not that wrong after all.

I slowly open the door and look closely at his back to immediately notice any movements on his part, but nothing happens. I turn my gaze to the bed that is in the same room and not too far away from the piano. I walk carefully towards it and slowly lift the blanket. It crackles thanks to the soft feathers in it.  Immediately he stops and turns to face me.

I sit down anyway and cover myself up. He couldn't bring out any more sound and took his hands off the piano keys. He just looks at me questioningly. "Rey ..." he starts quietly, but I cut him off. "I still hate you, just keep playing." I determine and lie down so that I pull the blanket up over my ears and try to sleep.

"I hadn't seen the note, there were so many there that I hadn't even read it." He apologizes, but I turn around so I don't have to look at him anymore. "It doesn't matter to me, I still hate you." I mumble and sniff. He just sighs sadly before continuing with his melody.

L'Allemand et l'alliée (Englisch, Reylo)Where stories live. Discover now