chapter 22

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I quickly jump out of the car and walk towards Poe's shop, which is open almost at any time. This seemed to be his current and only refuge.

So I storm into the shop, but I only found rose and looked at her questioningly. "Rose, what are you doing here?" I dig up and she smiles. "I'm visiting Poe, why are you here?" She asks the question. "You know, the Germans." I explain appropriately and immediately her smile disappears again. "Oh no." Only gets it out quietly. "Yeah where is he?" I want to know, but she just shrugs her shoulders helplessly. "I wanted to visit him too." She explains again and I look around. "do they already have him?" I ask myself, but don't even notice how I scare Rose with it. "I hope not, but what if you do?They will slaughter him like a dog." She said softly and I turn back to face her. "Come on, let's go to his house together." I ask her to follow me and run out.


Before I could get out again, Rose frantically opened the door and ran towards the little house. I quickly get out and lift my skirt to rush after her too. "Rose, no wait. What if they really have him and find us here?" I try to stay realistic and therefore suggest going through a back door. She just nods vaguely and we both walk around the house.

Even if you looked through the window everything was empty and no lights were on. It actually seemed like nobody was home.

"There he is running!" Rose quickly pointed down the meadow behind the house and I saw him. he was just a small, indistinct point, but it certainly was him.

"Poe!" I shout out loud and try to reach him. I run after him quickly. "Poe wait!" I try again and he turns around. He slowly approaches me and I now recognize his disappointed look. "I thought we'd do it together?" I dig into it and he starts smiling. "Yeah, but I can't drag you into this. You're only a woman, and what if they find us? They'll shoot us both." He sighs sadly.

"Ben keeps the border free for us. We can leave." Was the only thing that left my mouth now. "And can we trust him?" He asks carefully and I hesitate before nodding. "And where are we going?" He asks now more quietly and I have to smile too. "Wherever it is most beautiful."

"Reyanna, come on." Rose calls to us from further on. "We must go." I point back and he nods. "All right, I trust you." He run after me, back to the car.

"And?" Rose asked impatiently. "He's coming with me, but you're staying. I promise we'll return when it's over or you will continue to receive letters from us." I calm her down and rush to the car. "I will miss you so much." She hugs Poe quickly and sends me an air kiss to which I can only reciprocate.


Shortly before the border I stop and Poe looks at me from the side, confused. Dead men lay scattered on the street and I hesitantly open the car door and stand behind it.

Another men comes out from behind the small hut and holds his gun aimed at me too, but it was Ben whose hair was standing in all directions and his forehead was sweaty. "What happened?" I walk up to him and examine the wounds on his face. "I promised that I would keep the border free for you." He explains calmly and takes a deep breath.

"You are not a Nazi." I notice quietly and he has to grin. "I was so sure you would come up with it." He carefully strokes a strand behind my ear. "Then what are you doing here?" I ask. "Well, I'm like 20% Nazi, the rest is English. I'm just a simple spy, but the Germans actually seem so stupid that they let me be a lieutenant. I've made so many sacrifices here for." He continues to tell quietly, but Poe leans out the window towards us.

"I don't know how you see it, but I think we have to go!" He calls out to us and I nod slightly in agreement. "He's right." I walk slowly but Ben quickly pushes his weapon towards me. "Wait, shoot me in the leg." He demands. "Ben, this is not the right time for." I smile sadly, but he persists. "No, that creates credibility. So with the Germans, they will believe me and I'll send them in a different direction." He explains quickly and I'll take you gun. "Then I have a memory." He adds and I laugh for a moment before a tear can roll down my cheek. "You know it's not what I really want." I say quickly and shoot.

He just suppresses the scream and clenched his teeth. I throw the gun down and turn to go.

I'm standing between the door and the car when he calls me again.

"Rey?" He looks at me and I nod silently. "Is there no kiss goodbye?" He asks dearly and makes me smile and cry again at the same time. "This is not a farewell, we will see each other again, but this time not as soldiers." I answer, but I see that he knows we won't see each other again. Instead, he replies with "You probably won't recognize me at all." But I just get in and try to suppress all other feelings further.

The end

L'Allemand et l'alliée (Englisch, Reylo)Where stories live. Discover now