Chapter 01 - Alert And Evacuate.

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                                                                              24 hours later...

          Katrina footsteps tapped along the long hallway of the office building as she pulled her long, honey blonde and deep red – dyed in streaks– black hair back into a low pony. She was early this morning, as always, and turned the corner and entered a large room where numerous cubicles and cabins littered efficiently. Gaps and pathways were there for easy access.

          Her cubicle was near at the far right of her, where the emergency exits were. The urge to run back outside, to her house, and into her bed was so strong, that she had almost fainted from the lack of sleep.

          This was her third day at work in the first week. On the first day her computer had died down and she had to move to another cubicle for the time being. Her first day at work was full of disasters that were accidental. However, today on Wednesday, she refused to believe that her day would eventually spiral down to her clumsiness again. She was indeed very precarious, even though she unloved to believe that little fact about herself.

          Things were finally happening for her and she did a little victory dance in her mind. She couldn't believe that she was in such a wonderful working environment – if you would take out the negatives previously mentioned – and smiled greetings to others as she walked by them. Most of them didn't even pay her any acknowledgment, but she didn't let that bother her.

          A day ago, someone with acne scars and spots had even passed her a pad of yellow post its. She had thanked him after accepting the unusual gift gingerly.

          Snapping out of that memory, Katrina walked right into the busy, and yet coordinated mass of people, and headed towards her place. As soon as she had gotten to her seat she punched a button on the computer and it came alive. While waiting, she turned to her right and waved at her friendly co-worker. "Morning!" she greeted contentedly.

          Her newly made friend was busy talking on the phone when she turned around, waved silently and pointed to the phone, and then went back to scribbled something down.

          Katrina was tapping on the keyboard fast and professionally. There were times when she wouldn't even make a mistake when she would glance away at something for a moment. She looked back at the screen as it took her to a new – error – window on the internet. "Stupid net, think you're so smart!" she snapped allowed without thinking.

          "Talking to yourself again?" her friend, Fleur asked with the underdone of sarcasm. Her first language was French from her mother's side whilst her father was British, and she had a slight accent if one paid more attention.

          Katrina's index finger tapped the 'Esc' button repeatedly, but then ... the computer died down and crashed. "No!" She screamed dramatically. Her hands were on her mouth and her eyes wide in disbelief.

          Fleur's light brown eyes glanced at her. She tutted pitifully, resting her heart shaped cheek in her left hand. "Twice in your first week at work," she observed.

          Katrina gave her a look that told Fleur to stay silent and then turned her attention back to the screen. It was just blank. Nothing was happening! "I hate my job," she whined involuntarily, and slunk back against in her seat. An angry huff escaped her lips and she crossed her arms in front of her chest.

          "It's not that bad. At least you have one," Fleur sighed, "My brother is still on Job-Seeker's allowance because he cannot find a proper job."

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