Chapter 09 - The Ferris Wheel.

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          30 Minutes Earlier...

          "Jay, what are we going to do?!" Jemma cried. Her medium dark hair flew messily around her face. Wide eyes blinked at the monsters that were getting closer and closer by the second. This was her worse nightmare.

          Her two closest friends were too scared to fight and ran away together, leaving Jemma and Jay to fend for themselves. The footsteps tapped against the stone ground behind them as they disappeared behind a scary looking building.

          "Cowards," Jay said grimly.

          Jemma looked up at him guiltily. "This is all my fault..." she said apologisingly.

          Jay gave her sideways glance and started shooting the blood-suckers in the limbs. "Jemma get the car started and get yourself inside the car! I'll stall them."

          "I'm not leaving you here!"

          "I'll be right behind you, Jemma, now run!" he assured, and firmly pushed her away from the looming throng of the undead. He didn't stop shooting until he himself was starting to lose patience.

          All of the blood-suckers were still moving towards them despite half of them being shot in all of their chests, arms and legs, and whatnot. He didn't know how this was possible that they could keep moving. He checked the bullets in his gun; there were still plenty in there but they would only go to waste. He was breathing fast as he stared at them getting closer to him than before. "Why won't you DIE!" he incredulously.

          "Jay!" Jemma shouted from somewhere behind him. She was waiting for him halfway out of the passenger seat, and her eyes wide and dark brown, like a raven's feather. "It's not working! It's not working!" she stressed.

          He headed to her desperate call and ran over to Jemma's car in which she and the couple – now being eaten – had arrived in. He checked the engine as quick as he could and then closed the hood. "It's heated up," he explained, "we need some fill it up with water but the public toilets are too crowded by those things. I'm afraid we will have to escape by foot!"

          "Let's go!" she nodded confidently. With a sad and helpless look back at her, now, two dead friends, she threw her stolen, police gun away, and took the lead. They both fought their hardest past a blood-sucker here and there as the big hoard followed them with groans.

          As they were trying to escape a small group of five that they had ran into, Jemma had spotted the Ferris-Wheel and ran for it without thinking. It was still going round and round. She didn't care anymore, she just wanted to get away and calm down for a minute and think.

          "Jemma!" Jay shouted as he ran behind her. She had already covered more than half the distance. "Man, she can run fast," he breathed under his breath. When he had finally caught up with her she was already in one of the circular baskets. Running past the metal gates that bordered around the ride gave him the helpful reminder to close it behind him, so he skidded to a halt and ran back the few metres to the black gate, and locked it in place with a metal chair. He followed Jemma back and had unfortunately ended up climbing inside the one that came right after hers.

          "It's hopeless..." Jemma sobbed and shook her head. Her basket like container with her in it was disappearing above by now, as she could no longer see his face. "This is the end."

          Meanwhile, he was busy trying to keep an eye on the oncoming hoard of blood-suckers that were soon gaining in numbers in hundreds. "What in the bloody 'ell is going on?!" he asked himself. He finally speed dialed his enemy and ex-best friend. "Hey, remember when you owed me? Big time?"


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