Chapter 17 - The Long Wait.

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          "Oh, Katrina," Mark said sympathetically. "I'm so sorry to see this happen. You must feel devastated. I know how you feel ... I ... I'm sorry you had to see this."

          Katrina looked up at him as if remembering something very important. "How is the baby?" She asked worriedly, "Is her mum and dad safe now?"

          "They are safe and sound," he assured her. "They insisted to give us any help in return but we asked them to go on their way. We explained to them that we were waiting for someone. Then we heard..." He didn't finish the sentence and looked down at the frail form on the cement floor.

          "I'm so sorry, Katrina – Fleur was-!" Jemma gasped and put her hand over her mouth. She turned and buried her face in Jay's chest.

          Jay put an arm around her protectively. "I'm sorry that she ... she is gone. We offer our condolences," he said in a low voice, "She was a beautiful person."

          About twenty minutes had gone by nut Katrina was not budging. She wanted to stay with her friend. "I'm not leaving her here, damn it!" She cried into her hands.

          "Kat, please..." Jemma begged. "I know you're hurting. But staying here won't bring her back. Would she want you to put your life in danger, hm?" She did her best to be considerate.

          Mark turns to Katrina and kneels down next to her. He felt her pain, as did the others. "Look, I'm sorry about your friend, but we have to go," he said apologetically and puts his hand on her shoulder.

          "He's right," Jemma agreed. "I think we better get out of here too, and fast. It won't be long until more of them congregate to get us!" She was rather edgy and anxious to leave and looked at Katrina, begging her with her eyes.

          "We are all very sorry about your friend, but at least she won't have to become one of them," Jay said concurred and pointed his jump at the door. His usually intense dark eyes softened when he saw Katrina sob. He looked away at the ugly coloured walls.

          Katrina nodded and slowly bent forward to give her dead friend a light kiss on the forehead. "Goodbye," she whispered. "I will miss you." With a final look at Fleur, she left with her group and stepped back outside. It was raining now. She knew she had to be strong and hid her emotions at the bottom of her heart for the time being.

          "Come, Kat," Mark said quietly and held out a hand. He smiled sadly at her with kindness. "Let's all get through this. Right guys?" He asked everyone, but it was more towards her.

          She couldn't help but give him a watery, wobbly smile and took his hand. "We won't make it, will we?" She whispered to him knowingly.

          "Only time will tell," he whispered back with a grin.

          She nodded and looked to her left. "Jemma, let's go and wait for Cruise. We can't give up on him. He has done so much for Fleur and I," she stated.

          Jemma and Jay gave her a curt nod as they all walked back to the car.

          "A – Are you sure you're OK to drive?" Jemma asked hesitantly when Katrina had approached the driver's side.

          "You need some rest," Katrina advised and climbed into the car. The key was already in. She turned it and waited until everyone got in. The boy got in the back and Jemma was next to her in the front.

          "Thanks," Jemma whispered and looked at her. "I don't remember when I got some shut eye," she murmured and yawned heavily.

          "No problem. Get some sleep in the back, you guys," Katrina asserted and drove the car back onto the street. She was headed towards the Petrol Station. Please be there, please be there, she begged silently in her thoughts. I don't know what I'd do if I lost him. Sure we didn't get a long a first but after Fleur he was the one I could trust more.

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