Chapter 14 - Possible Future.

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         Fleur was so glad that she was alive. She was also happy that Jay and Jemma were safe and sound and able to escape now. She knocked on the window Katrina was peeking through from the inside and gestured for her to open the locks.

          Where's Cruise?" Jemma asked again.

          "Please, I'll explain once we're safely inside!" Fleur pleaded.

          Jemma and Jay gave each other looks before they got in. Jemma pushed Jay towards the backseat door that was hanging open – after Fleur had climbed in – and she stole the passenger seat in the front that Jay had been headed for.

          Jay huffed and said, "Nice, mature." He climbed in after Fleur and closed the door.

          Jemma smirked and got in the front and whilst locking her door, replied, "Whatever."

          Katrina watched them with a keen eye. Jay was very handsome with short wavy brown hair, deep brown eyes, and tanned skin. He was very tall, at least six foot, broad, and looked very athletic. His wore a dark shirt and jeans with dark trainers.

          She looked at Jemma who had longer, wavy black hair that had subtle lighter streaks and reached down to the middle of her back. Chocolate brown eyes were set in slightly almond shaped eyes and an equally beautiful face. Her dark chocolate skin glowed under the half-light that the starlight created. She was in a light grey thank top and skinny jeans.

          Jemma got inside, turned around to face him, Fleur, and a confused looking girl. She must be around her age. "Hi, I'm Jemma. Thanks so much for saving us!" She smiled friendly and held out her hand.

          Katrina was sitting directly behind Jemma's seat. She shook the new girl's hand hesitantly. "Oh, erm, it's nice to meet you, Jemma. I\m Katrina – and ... no problem?" She said slowly, and then turned to ask her friend, "When did this happen?"

          "Wait – what were you doing in here while your friend came to save us?" Jemma asked.

          Katrina's cheeks burnt a bright tomato red.

          "She fainted," Fleur said without thinking. "She climbed up a tree to save Angel but got too scared to get down. So she fainted. Thankfully Cruise distracted the bloodsuckers that came for us from nowhere-"

          "Oh, my God-" Jemma whispered, and frowned worriedly.

          "-And then he came back after getting rid of them, and got Kat down, but she had fainted already so she had to stay inside the car until we came to save you," Fleur explained.

          "Oh," Katrina muttered. "So ... you're the people we were coming after?" She asked turning to look at Jay on her right.

          Jay nodded. He wasn't smiling but his eyes were kind. "We are so thankful," he said, and leant his head on the headset. "Where is he?" He asked gravely. Now his eyes were alert and looking outside.

          "He asked me to tell us to go to the nearest petrol station and wait for him there, on a ... this ... what was it? Oh, Ashton Rd? Yeah, wait for him there," Fleur replied quietly.

          "Don't worry, he'll make it. He always does."

          "I'll drive," Jemma announced, and slide to the right side got and behind the wheel. She started the engine after Fleur gave her the car key from Cruise. "We'll wait for him until he comes. Then we'll get out of this hell!"

          "It's all over the world by now," Jay said.

          "There's probably a safe zone somewhere, you know that could be possible," she corrected. "They made sure they would be."

          "What are you talking about?" Fleur asked.

          "Nothing," Jay said, looking at Jemma from the rearview mirror. She watched Jemma frown in disapproval and shaking her head. "Nothing at all," he repeated.

          "They deserve to know," she argued back, and drove the car onto the road.

          Jay looked away.

          "There's a safe zone," she exposed, and unflinchingly stared at Jay's frown through the same mirror. "A place where there is guaranteed protection from the world wide spread Aqua Virus. There's also a possible cure."

          Jay shook his head slowly. "We can't be sure," he reminded.

          "We can try," she retorted, and then turned concentrated to look back onto the road. "We can surely try."

          Suddenly, something ran onto the road from the right where the forest was.

          Jemma pressed on breaks to stop the car and it screeched to a halt.

          Whatever came at the car had fallen onto the road.

          Everyone was quiet.

          After what felt like an eternity and a bloodsucker didn't get up to attack them, Katrina finally looked around. She said, "Should we check it out?" She asked.

          "I'll do it," Jemma said. She took a deep breath and was about to open the door, but Jay was quicker. She watched him as he was already walking over to the front of the car. She watched him looking ... speechless, something he rarely was and looked back at the girls.

          "What is it?" Jemma mouthed. Her chocolate eyes were wide with trouble and uneasiness.

          Katrina watched in silence, not wanting to make a sound and too afraid to move.

          Fleur was trembling.


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