Chapter 05 - Hell On Earth.

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          Katrina stumbled backwards until she had fallen against the stairs behind her and she couldn't stop looking at the raging creature through the broken glass. The door continued to shake from the other side and the small group of blood-suckers' groans were attracting more of them.

          There was a loud crash from the living-room and she heard Fleur shriek in fear. That snapped her out of the horror filled trance, lifted her backside off from the stairs and dashed into the room but made her stop in her tracks. The window was broken; shards glinted dangerously on the carpet as the blood-suckers were trying to force themselves through all at once.

          This bought the girls at least a moment to collect themselves and get themselves out of the house. She saw Fleur cowering inside the little fort she had made up for herself with the sofas. Running over to her friend she pulled her out and told her to run to the back of the house. She was about to follow, when one of the infected pounced on her from behind.

          "Katrina!" Fleur screamed from the door of the kitchen, and was about to double back.

          "Go, out the back Fleur!" she screamed to her friend, struggling to free herself. "Hurry!" she cried, making her hesitant friend to obey her. When Fleur had gone, Katrina thought she was going to die and turn into these infected creatures as well. Hope was leaving her but her eyes caught something, making her hope and adrenaline soar.

          "Urghhhh!" the blood-sucker gargled in the back of his throat, trying to bite her arm, shoulder, neck, anything!

          She took this chance to grab a shattered piece of glass and wasted no more time slashing the blood-sucker's throat. More creatures fell through the broken window. Her heartbeat thudded against her chest in alarm and she turned on her heel, not waiting to see if the one she had wounded was dead.

          There was blood on her clothes and she knew it wasn't hers; it belonged to the blood-sucker. She had to change into washed and clean clothes. What if the blood could infect her as well? This made her blood run cold.

          As soon as she had ran into the kitchen she closed the door and jammed it with a chair, tilting the back against the door with a chair under the handle. This still wasn't going t last, but she needed to stall them for however long she could afford to.

          She saw that the back door was open that lead to the backyard – with the yard door was open as well – and she assumed that Fleur had probably run off. But she was corrected when she saw Fleur step into view in the back-street, gesturing at her to hurry up with tears running down her face.

          "Hurry!" Fleur whispered loudly enough, and looked to her left and right. "Oh, God, they're everywhere!"

          Relief overwhelmed Katrina and she ran outside and into the back-street, where it was amazingly, quite empty. She turned around and closed the yard's door just when they heard the kitchen door open with a bang. "I think they've all congregated at my house by hearing the chaos," she guessed. It certainly made sense.

          "Like flippin' honey-bees?!" Fluer screamed fearfully.

          "Summat like that," Katrina shouted back. They both ran to the end of the back-street, where it sounded quieter. Checking over her shoulder and if they were clear, they turned the corner, and chose a random backyard to hide until they could move again safely.

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