Chapter 13 - Saving Them.

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          All sorts of possible scenarios were running through Fleur's mind as she watched Cruise, but she pushed them aside. This was her time to save innocent people who were in trouble. She stayed in hiding until it was safe enough for her to come out, move past the horde of blood-suckers without being seen or heard and run to Jay and Jemma.

          Her heart rattled dangerously in her ribcage in fright and adrenaline as she carefully looked around herself. No blood-sucking-zombie whatsoever. When she looked back at Cruise her heart got stuck in her throat.

          Cruise had confidently walked up to the large horde of groaning blood-suckers, started yelling at them and waving his arms about. "Hey, you vamp-zombies, look over here!" He shouted, standing afar from Fleur so she wouldn't get caught. "I'm over here! Come get me! Hell-o!"

          Some had already gained his attention and were now turning around. They screeched in agony and hunger and went after him, as best as a bunch of dead corpses were able to and were gnashing there decayed teeth. Their long fang like teeth glinted in the night light dangerously, almost like a sharks.

          She sucked in air through her own teeth and shuddered. Some have mutated a lot more dramatically, she thought. Disgusting!

          He ran backwards as much as he could without tripping of falling over himself and beckoned them, provoking for them to come after him for his plan to work. He would admit, the creatures scared him so much, but what could he do except this? There were too much of them and only two of him. He had to be brave and distract them so Fleur can safely get his old friend and the girl away.

          Looking back over his shoulder he noticed that there was a walkway around the large ship ride, so he started to run past the ship because the horde grew larger and larger. Sweat broke out on his forehead when he saw a town's size of blood-suckers after him now. "That's right, dummies, follow the food!" He yelled, gaining a voracious cries and groans.

          Fleur saw Cruise disappear behind a huge ship ride and the blood-suckers running after him. Her heart hammered behind her chest with alarm, like a gong. Her eyes followed every last one of them disappearing behind the ship and the rides after it. As soon as the last one couldn't be seen, she dashed out from her shadowed hiding place.

          "Don't look back, don't look back, don't look back," she whispered to herself, and carried on running until she reached the outer ring of the gates. She was panting for breath by the time she'd reached to open it and rushed through.

          A young man that looked to be in his early twenties and a young girl about the same age were looking down at her, both in their own baskets that contained them for protection until now. They had to wait until the cartwheel – which had still been turned on – to be switched off.

          "Close the gates, for Heaven's sake!" Jemma urged, leaning forward the side.

          Fleur obeyed and locked the gate after her. She looked up at the couple. "I'm here to save you!" She announced.

          "Introductions later," Jemma interrupted hastily. She kept glancing up and down in case they get trapped by the blood-suckers again if they return. Her basket was no taking her more up. "You have to go to the main power point and switch this off so we can get down," she explained quickly and pointed below, to her left.

          Fleur looked to her right and sure enough, there was a small box for only one person to sit and control the main source of power. She jogged over and went up the couple of steps to get inside the little cubicle. The door was left ajar as she tried to decide which button to press or which level to pull. It was quite confusing despite of it being in charge of only one ride. Tears finally came to her eyes and put her hands over her mouth. Pressure was finally getting to her.

          "Hurry up, they might come back!" Jemma shouted, "Hurry up!"

          "Calm down, she can do it," Jay persuaded her, his voice coming from somewhere from her bottom right.

          Fleur thought she would fail, when she caught something laying on the ground. She hurriedly picked it up and it was indeed a manual. "Thank God!" She whispered desperately, and looked around her area in case one of 'them' saw her. She was safe. Sniffling, she opened the book and skimmed through it until she came to the right page. She had to pull an emergency lever and stop it, which had to be traditionally a red coloured one.

          "There," she whispered with a water smile, and held on to it with her right hand. She looked up to her left side and saw that Jemma and Jay were nearly reaching near the bottom to come off, so she waited a couple of minutes until she thought their containers were most near, and then pulled the lever down.

          She pulled the lever. The wheel stopped as did the happy yet ominous tune and she let go of the controls. The light were also off on the ride, hence the ride was cast with a gloomy shadow. Her feet carried her back outside of the glass cubicle – although she had to be careful where to step in under the looming shadows – and did her best not to trip.

          Jemma's basket was nearest to the ground so she was the first getting off. She turned to help Jay, and went over to him as he jumped off from his basket since it was a little higher still. They hugged and then quickly rushed over the person that had helped them.

          "Thank you so much!" Jay said and smiled in thankfulness.

          "Yeah, thanks, honestly," Jemma gasped and nodded. She couldn't believe how lucky they were to have lived through this. Her frantic mind had convinced her in an hour that she and Jay were going to die, or worse ... turn.

          Fleur nodded shyly and yet still anxious. "It was the plan, we should get moving. It's not safe," she shook her head looked at them in turns. "I'm Fleur, by the way. Come on, this way," she said and inclined her head to follow her.

          "I'm Jemma, and this is Jay." Jemma introduced, pointing to herself and him. She began following Fleur and moved past the gate, not bothering to shut it.

          "Yeah, Cruise told us," Fleur nodded, and urged them to run quickly after her.

          Jay and Jemma headed after their savior.

          "Us?" Jay asked guardedly.

          "Me and my friend," Fleur replied, "I'll explain once we get inside his car. It's right over there, behind that Merry-Go-Round." She pointed to get her point across as they ran around it and came face to face with it.

          "Sure. But where's Cruise?" She asked, concerned and looked at Jay.


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