Chapter 04 - Like A Cocoon.

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          Katrina's up body shot up suddenly and she stared, wide-eyed, at her friend. She followed her downstairs where the news reporter was informing everyone to pay careful attention.

          "See? You see? I'm not crazy! This wasn't my imagination," Fleur was blabbering, pointing at the television. She inched backwards to sit on the sofa and hiccupped.

          "It's alright, they'll send someone to help," Katrina assured her friend, took a place next to her and put an arm around her. "Shush, shush ... don't worry. You see that? We have to seek the nearest authority. Like the Police ... yeah... we have to tell somebody."

          They were screams and crashing sounds coming from the outside suddenly and they both jumped, glaring at the window. They couldn't see anything properly because the semi transparent netted curtain was covering the window – and the hedges weren't low enough – and the sky had gotten darker outside.

          Their attention was brought back to the television – partly – and they listened intently. The young woman behind the guest continued to lay out the instructions that were probably also given to her. "And the Government is doing their best to see this problem. An important announced will be made by the..."

          Fleur cried out loud at how close the crash was from the outside. "What is going on out there?!" she screamed and ran to see. She opened the door and disappeared.

          Katrina was breathing faster now and she tried to calm her nerves once more, and try to hear what the news reporter was trying to say, but screams and roaring erupted. She got up and hurried outside to see where Fleur had gone off to.

          Fleur was standing outside of the gate and on the footpath, opening her mouth to scream but only a croak escaped. She pointed ahead of her – which was to Katrina's right – and fell to her knees. She had some sort of breathing problems and fished out a small pump for her asthma. Her breathing slowed down and steadied.

          Wide eyed, Katrina rushed to her side and knelt on her heels to help her friend up. "Oh, my goodness, are you alright?" she asked with strong apprehension. She brushed her poor friend's dark brown hair away from her face and helped her up. She was about to guide her back into the house when she saw blood.

          A blue car had crashed into a public bus, or it might have been the other way around. But what mostly caught her attention was what was going on inside the bus. Blood was being splattered everywhere. People were fighting for their lives as their flesh was being ripped from their limbs.

          Nausea bumbled up inside her and she turned her gaze away, only to have it back there again. She felt like screaming for help but someone had already called up for help. A far away cry of a siren came into focus when the car turned around the corner, driving at top speed onto their street. A sense of relief spread inside her thankfully.

          Fleur couldn't take her eyes away from the bloody spectacle in front of her, in front of both of them. "E – Even t – the children," she groaned, and she dry heaved. She crouched onto her knees as she threw up on the road. "Even the ch – children, Katrina!" she cried and stood up, ready to run after the screaming people. Towards the screaming monsters.

          Katrina pulled her back into the front garden and locked the gate. "Stay inside!" she told her friend.

          "Those bastard people are killing the kids as well as everyone else!" she gasped in between sobs. She sat on the ground. "I saw one of them do it! It was a ... a ... one of those bloody mutants we saw at work this morning. He ... she ... the bastard took the toddler and bit his arm! S - Sucking out the b – b – blood!" She was shrieking by now and was quickly growing out of breath again.

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