Chapter 02 - V3 Has Escaped.

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          24 hours before...

          Fiona, who was a successful scientist, who had entered the laboratory, without any knowledge of what had happened to the researcher prior to her appearance. She was walking silently whilst keeping her steady gaze on the thick black file in her hands, which contained precisely five hundred pages within.

          All the experiments that had gone on within the past five years had been documented. Several more stacked away carefully and all were in alphabeticle order.

          She had also worn the same dress code as her co-worker and scientist researcher; all white, covered completely from head to toe.

          Her hazel eyes flickered from one page to another, from behind the glass plating that veiled her face and neck. She pressed a button - that was just under her left collarbone - and was greeted by a small but audible beep. A blue light illuminated the square button around the all sides, signaling that it was ready to be used. It was in fact a voice recorder that had been provided to her to work with.

          Taking a turn in the huge, white room, she set the large file on the table where all the studying was done. More books and laptops and computers were stationed around this area. The only items that were colourful were the books and an odd hued laptop in blue. Heaving a sigh of relief that she had reached her workplace in time, she was just about to turn away, when a horrible stench caught her senses. Her nose scrunched up. As she followed the decayed stink and almost gagged from it. She forced herself to keep going.

          "Sir?" Fiona called anxiously, trying to get a reply. "Sir, I have brought the file that you asked for this morning," she explained, walking along after turning around a corner. There, she met the bloody scene that was causing the horrible smell. Her steps halted in horror.

          On the ground lay her senior scientist researcher, half covered in the plastic sheet, which the third volunteer should have been walled around with. One side of the Professor's face was bare, the left side, and the other side was bloody underneath the transparent sheet. Blood pooled from underneath it.

          "Oh, no!" she cried out after a deadly pause. Her eyes widened in fear and disbelief. She covered her mouth with her hands.

          Suddenly, confusion took over her and she frowned slightly. The table that should have been contained with V3 was empty. "Where is the volunteer?!" she cried, alert at once. She turned to her right, left, and everywhere that she could manage to observe. A blurry movement caught her peripheral vision of her right eye, just behind the white and tall filing cabinets. She swiftly looked there and waited, unsure at first, until she took her first step towards that area. "There seems to be ... someone, or something else in hear," she muttered, recording her voice continuously.

          Suddenly, a hurtful groan came from behind her and she swiftly turned around to her the ... previously assumed dead, man moving. She quickly moved to kneel down to his side. "A - Are you alright?" she asked. "I thought you were dead! You're hurt! Where are you hurt, Sir? Should I get the...?" Her words trailed off as she observed the injured man cough up blood.

          His eyes were closed as an angry and painful scream - which sounded strangely inhuman - echo throughout the room. The man's body started convulsing and twitching violently. Shortly after, his movements stopped suddenly after coughing up more blood.

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