Chapter 16 - I'm Sorry.

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Right ahead of them was a large horde of blood-suckers coming their way. It would have been easy to just run them over but some people who were screaming for their lives as they tried to get away.

Katrina heard a baby crying. "Oh, hell fucking no!" She shouted at once and got out of the car. She could not take the poor little baby's helpless cries and grabbed her Fleur's cricket bat. "Where's the baby? Where's kid?!" She asked herself desperately.

"Katrina, you can't do this alone!" Jemma shouted after her. "We're right behind you!"

"Damn straight," Mark yelled back.

"Come on, hurry up you guy!" Katrina called back and whacked a blood-sucker on its head. It landed with a sickening thud next to her feet. "Fuck you! I'm letting you evil bastards take a baby! Die! Die! DIE."

"Damn she's tough when she wants to be," Jay said as he kicked one in the gut and stabbed the head. He was impressed. "Katrina, here you go," he said and threw a spare knife at the blood-sucker behind her. "Take the knife," he nodded.

"Thanks," she responded by taking it, which made a revolting squelching noise as she pulled it out from a skull. "I'll go help the baby and the mum. The rest of you keep my back and help the other family member!" She ordered and pushed through the blood-suckers and jumped onto the jeep that the mother and child were crying and sobbing in.

The baby was huddled close to its mother's chest protectively and screaming to the top of its lungs. The baby looked to be only about three or four months old with fine dark hair covering the head. Cute button nose and eyes squeezed shut.

"Don't worry, little baby, I won't hurt you or your mum. You'll be safe," she whispered comfortingly at the baby.

The baby opened its eyes and watched her but continued crying.

"Thank you!" The mum cried. "My husband and family member wanted to rest but they came at us out of nowhere! I wouldn't let one of them take my daughter!"

"My heart couldn't take her cries from all the way over there," Katrina gasped, and kissed the baby.

"I needed to get into the other car that my husband was driving, but they were coming for my daughter and I – I just panicked and climbed on here!"

"It's OK! We're here to help! Come on, stay by my side, I'll get you to your car safe and soundly, I promise," Katrina reassured and held out the cricket bat and the knife with either hands. When she climbed back down, she asked the mum to come down with the baby.

"There it is, the blue one," the mum said immediately.

"That's fine, follow me!" Katrina stated and motioned to be followed quickly. The baby was still crying its heart out and it tore at Katrina's heart. Why does a baby have to go through this hell? She thought angrily, but kept focus.

Katrina fought and stabbed several more blood-suckers on the way there – which was only a distance of about two cars away – but it felt a lot longer than that. Soon she was helping the mother and daughter into the backseat of the car in the car seat, when one of them grabbed her arm.

The mother screamed from inside.

"Not today, you piece of cow shit!" She hissed and twisted herself around, just in time to stab the thing in the head. But before that, a knife had already lodged into the skull. "Thanks Jay," she gasped.

"Anytime," he smiled a bit and jogged over to her. He bent down to pull out his knife. "You're fast, ruthless!"

"Not at fast as you," she disagreed.

"That's twice you saved my life just now," she counted thankfully.

Another blood-sucker groaned and attempted to come at them and snapped its jaws hungrily. The fangs were horrid.

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