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          Cruise's eyes opened with a start. They were wide and watchful. He was on the dirty ground and his face was facing his left shoulder. He couldn't move – paralysed, except for his eyes. What happened to me? He thought a little dazedly.

          Last night's happening flashed in his mind, waking him up completely. Fleur and I made a plan ... saved the rest ... I ran away to distract the dead vamps and then I ... I ... was ... He thought slowly. That's when he remembered that he was bitten. One bite was on his left leg and the other on his side, he recalled, just below the ribcage and he had lost conscious. Why can't I move?! Am I ... am I dead? He thought frantically and his heartbeat quickened when he heard something.

          Well ... at least I'm not dead, he thought at ease. I think. I hope Fleur and Katrina and everyone have escaped without getting hurt! I'll try to get myself somewhere ... perhaps I can get up if I keep on trying.

          Nothing. Nothing happened. He was stuck!

          He blinked slowly trying to calm down when he still couldn't move himself. But after what felt like an eternity his heart soared. Finally, the tips of his fingers could be lifted from the grass. A tingly sensation overtook his whole body, which was an outlandish feeling because it wasn't exactly pins-and-needles. Perhaps ... my body was ... asleep? Nah. That's impossible, he thought.

          His hands itched to push himself off of the dirty ground to see what was happening around him, but to no avail. He couldn't be dead because he wasn't having that insatiable thirst for blood or anything horrific like that. At least I'm no' one of them ... yet. Will I turn la'er? He asked himself mentally, not wanting to turn.

          There was a movement behind him but he couldn't turn on his back to see.

          "Arghhhhh ... raaarghhhh...!" Came the unavoidable voice. It was a blood-sucker coming Cruise's way.

          Cruise could feel the ground thudding as it came closer and closer. Oh, no... he thought dolefully and squeezed his eyes shut. Nearly jumped out his skin, he listened and cursed himself for getting himself in this problem. It was his decision in the first place though. Bloody vamp-zombie! He screamed in his head, eyes darted everywhere to catch the blood-sucker but his body wasn't fully mobile yet. The tingling sensation was still there, lingering and nevertheless, still prevalent. No matter how hard he tried he still couldn't move anymore.

          To his absolute horror and amazement – as he watched – the blood-sucker dragging its upper body pass him as the insides dangled out from the gaping waist line. The thing groaned in agony and hunger on the ground and didn't even look to see the lying man on the floor.

          Cruise would cringe if he could. That's righ', keep going you piece of decaying mess of dog shit! He said silently with disgust and satisfaction. A revolting stink of decomposed flesh and bones reached his senses and he thought he would vomit. His sight caught the dead body's insides hanging out. It took everything for him not to throw up indeed.

          When the last bit of grey intestines was out of sight, Cruise breathed sigh of relief through his nostrils that he hadn't become its food. "Thank God," he breathed into the grass. Suddenly, his eyes widened when he noticed his could finally move his mouth. The tingling feeling was gone by now, too. "Damn tha' feels good to talk again!" He exclaimed.

          Now, he progressed to attempt once again to move his fingers. It worked. He made them into fists and opened them up to look at his palms. Then his toes inside his combat boots and his feet and legs also moved without a problem. A faint, subconscious smile came onto his features when he was OK again. Soon, he was able to budge himself to sit up and study the area he was situated in.

          It was daytime now and sunny and hot. The trees were looking beautiful as their leaves rustled when the wind brushed them. The rays of the bright sun shone down from above him and all around him, engulfing in its warmth. Why did the blood-suckers' bites no' turn me? Why am I still alive? Am I in fact still laying unconscious somewhere and dreaming this? He questioned madly and ran a over his face. He didn't understand and the questions were running wild in his mind, like rampaging ants.

          As he pushed himself off from the ground it started to drizzle. He continued to walk. A first his steps were hesitant, but not for long and they started to pick up pace, just like the rain did as if urging him onward. His blonde hair fell over his eyes and matted to his head as the rain poured down. The ground under his feet became muddy and sloshed, which caused his boots and the bottom of his trousers to splatter with mud. He ran his hands through his wet hair and brushed it away from his already obscured vision.

          "Ah!" He gasped as his side hurt as if a needle pierced him. Stopping in his tracks and inspected his injuries underneath the sunrays. A frown formed on his face as he peeled his shirt off, which had become like second skin to him and touched his flesh.

          The skin cells had generated exceptionally fast for a normal human. After checking his leg he was met with the same results. He looked back down at his bite shaped scars and watched the dark, half dried blood dribble off with the rain, and squeezed his eyes in perplexity, amazement and shock.

          "What the...?" He muttered. The bites were no longer open and were scars instead. "I healed, but ... how?"

          Thunder crackled in the distance, scaring away the sunlight and invited threatening clouds. Rain poured down hard and created puddles.

          "Why am I alive?" he said in monotone.

          "That's a very interesting question," a female voice answered him. She was dressed in a black uniform. She had a sort of dark metal over her head and it masqueraded over her eyes. Her full pink lips curved into a smile as she introduced herself before him.

          "Who are you?" He demanded.

          She replied with a unwavering tone, "You are very special, Cruise ... aren't you?" She circled around him with sure and confident steps, subtly touching the place where he was bitten on his side with her gloved hand.

          "How do you know my name?" He demanded.

          "You don't know me, but I know you very well, Cruise," she responded with an amused look. "We have been watching you, you see." She stopped behind him and traced something undecipherable. "You're quite a beautiful human being," she sighed.

          He watched her come back around to face him. "Who are you and what do you want?" He asked curiously.

          "Name's Fiona ... I want..." she said looking into his eyes, "I need your DNA."


Thank you for everyone who has stuck by me and my story. I'm so happy I've been able to complete it - especially when I've gotten so much support, love and guidance (I shall re-edit this soon!) Lots of love and hugs from me! The sequel shall be up soon, called, "Echo," so please read it also. Let me know your thoughts, when I've posted it. I'd love to hear more from my readers! Thank you. <3

You can find me on; 

Instagram: little.red.bookmark

Tiktok: inalittleblackbox

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